Sep 07, 2010 00:38

alternatively titled

a. why am i not able to watch this drunk?! fuck you america!!
b. yes i did watch half of this on mute with ke$ha playing in the bg instead and it was just as enjoyable
c. i know nothing about 19th century japan and i can still guess the historical inaccuracies.
d. who the fuck cares it's vampire shinsengumi

so like ... the main thing I realized, upon watching this, is that Sekirei has completely ruined me for any harem series ever. I have been completely spoiled by Sakurako and am always a bit disoriented when i come back down to earth and realize not everyone has been drinking her exquisite Kool-Aid and resolves these things through ways other than reversed gender roles, polygamy and dick girls. I shall shed a single tear and carry on!

so... anyway. it's based of an Otome game and the main character is a blank slate female protag, Yukimura Chizuru. I guess I didn't realize this meant ... she couldn't have a personality?! I'M CONFUSED LIKE ..... tomoya (of clannad) was the player protag and in the anime he had ... personality traits?! i don't know, I guess I sort of expected her to have SOMETHING. again, I guess I'm spoiled by actually decent series. My life is pain.

I won't spend much time on her because she basically exemplifies all the stupid female stereotypes that run rife through media but I will say this.


You see, when I see a girl with a weapon; i think 'oh this girl knows how to fight! or at least has some vague idea! or will at least try to fight! or something!'. this gives me expectations. that either the girl will be strong, at least on the surface, or perhaps will eventually become strong through learning how to actually use this weapon she's carrying. And ... nothing ever happens in Hakuouki with it. We only see Chizuru try to fight a grand total of once, in which she is quickly and soundly defeated by ... i don't know anyone's name. QUIET SIDE PONYTAIL GUY. Stoic-chan, whatever, and he says 'oh lol i guess you can not stay locked in your room for the next three years or whatevs' and nothing is ever done with it again. She still carries the sword around, of course, to show that ... i don't fucking know! we are cockteased multiple times by her laying a hand on her sword like she's about to draw it, but delicious mancandy always arrives in THE NICK OF TIME to save her so she can go back to doing laundry and making tea. Japan is horrible and sexist, this is brand new information, MOVING ON

okay the OP for this is ... hilarious. Mostly because it shows vicecaptain-chan as a vampire. So you expect he's a vampire! but then it turns out he becomes a vampire ............. in the last episode of the first season. um, SPOILER ALERT, ANIME!!!!!!

anyway making like lady gaga and talking about BOYS BOYS BOYS

vicecaptain-chan: the one chizuru will end up with, based on the op and me knowing tropes. Only interesting when he goes on a batshit HONORRRR rampage

tuberculosis-chan: FABULOUS. i want him and the trap to fuck. The trap is the one who looks just like Chizuru oh did I just spoil you now you know what I felt like when that stupid muffinface Raimei did jk Raimei you know ilu girl

stoic-chan: stoic. does not automatically offend my senses.

heisuke: yeah you can tell i like this dumbass because I actually remember his name. Like ... i don't want to say he's the one I ship Chizuru most with because honestly I ship him the most with me.

harada: yeah that was where the line of adorable dumb boys I love started and here it continues. YOU CAN WARM MY HANDS ALL NIGHT LONG BABY

shinpachi: baby why you wanna strip for a doctor. WE CAN PLAY DOCTOR IF YOU'RE INTO THAT :((((

~~MEGANE~~: idek he's suddenly evil when he became a vampire who cares

KONDOU ♥ ♥: i find him the hottest of all man candy. MOE OLD MAN COME TO ME

Senhime: not actually a boy but in my heart of hearts I think she is meant to be Chizuru's one true love. BEFORE YOU WALK AWAY i was watching Clueless earlier this week with the gang and you know the scene where the two teachers are sharing tea and Cher and Dion are going OMG LOOK AT THE BODY LANGUAGE, LEGS CROSSED TOWARD EACH OTHER!!

anyway they have the odango eating scene and specifically cut away so you ONLY SEE THEIR LEGS. CROSSED TOWARD EACH OTHER. and then it turns out they're both super special magic monster things so clearly the only viable option is for them to kill everybody and then les out in a blood orgy amirite???



in short: i'm going to bed.

what the fuck, fandom shit, go to bed kitty

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