acairnia application

Aug 12, 2009 12:49


Your name: Kristi

Your journal: bashipforever
Contact rageiscute (AIM)


Character name: Angel

Fandom: Angel the series/Buffy the Vampire Slayer

Point in canon taken from: Angel is taken from the end of Not Fade Away. Right after that battle he got sent to Acairnia.

Appearance: Angel is tall, dark and broody. He’s tall (about 6’1) with broad shoulders and messy, brown hair. He’s got brown eyes and very pale skin. Angel is in good shape. He generally wears dark pants, a wife beater and dark shirts along with a black leather jacket. He generally walks with a bit of rounded shoulders as if he’s trying to disappear. His PB is David Boreneaz (canon)

Personality: Angel is quiet, broody and self deprecating. He’s very self sacrificing and a bit of a loner. He’s a quintessential hero though, unable to avoid helping out someone in need. He wants very badly to be needed and necessary and craves having people that care about him around him. However, in spite of this he usually attempts to push people away at first, believing that he’s not good enough for anyone in any form. He believes he belongs literally and figuratively in the shadows. He reacts very reserved toward people at first, hesitant to interact because his social skills quite frankly suck. He’s stiff, uptight and taciturn but he relaxes a little as he gets to know people and becomes more comfortable with them. He’s even been known to make jokes (very bad ones). He’s expectedly old fashioned, technologically impaired and even though he’s reasonably smart, he’s a big, dumb oaf on occasion.

History: Liam was born in 1727 in Galway, Ireland. In 1753, at the ripe old age of 26, he was turned into a vampire by Darla. Upon rising from his grave, he killed his family along with the entire community in Galway. He did away with the name Liam and took up the identity of Angelus, a nod to his little sister who invited him into the house and asked ‘Are you an angel?’. For the next 150 years, Angelus and Darla cut a swath of terror and murder through Europe. He was one of the most feared vampires in history. During this time, a couple things of note occurred. In 1860 he drove a young woman with visions insane then turned her. Her name was Drusilla and she was responsible for turning Spike (aka William the Bloody). Angelus acted as Spike’s Sire in most responsibilities as Dru was a bit too insane to be a good mummy.

In 1898, Angelus fed upon and killed the favorite daughter of a gypsy clan. They were understandably upset and chose to take revenge on him in the form of a curse. They returned his soul to his body which may not sound like much of a punishment but as Angel once put it “You have no idea what it’s like to do the things I’ve done and to care” Darla turned him out repulsed by his soul and his inability to be the glorious, murderous creature she’d spent so much time with. For the next several years he attempts to mend ways with her and to be what he once was to no avail. In 1902, he made a clean break and arrived in New York City via Ellis Island with hundreds of other Irish immigrants. He wanders around the country a bit, making an appearance in Montana during the Great Depression and Chicago in the 1920’s. During World War II The Demon Research Initiative talks Angel into taking up a secret mission to rescue an American submarine from 3 vampires.

The next major turn in Angel’s long life occurs in 1952. He stays at the Hyperion Hotel in LA (then a very luxurious hotel), befriends a half black-half white woman who stole a large sum of money from her employer. There are a couple of murders and a suicide as a result of the presence of a Thesulac demon but the demon part is unknown to the hotel residents of course. The guests panic, accuse the woman and the woman betrays Angel, implying that it’s his fault. The guests rise up against him and lynch him. Of course Angel survives this lynching and leaves the hotel, allowing the Thesulac to consume everyone in the hotel. As a result of this incident, Angel loses his faith in humanity in general. He wanders around the country, spending a bit of time with the Rat Pack in Las Vegas and attention Elvis Presley’s wedding reception in 1967. Shortly after this he returns to New York City and in 1970 he is witness to a robbery where a man is fatally shot. He stays with the man until he dies then feeds on him and leaves. Now disgusted with himself, Angel withdraws from society and takes up resident in an alley, feeding on rats.

In 1996, Angel is approached by a demon named Whistler. He is still living in the alley on rats and Whistler offers him a chance to become something better. In effect, he offers him redemption. He drives Angel to LA where he spies on the newly called Slayer, Buffy Summers. Upon seeing the pretty blonde sitting on the steps of her school, Angel makes the decision to join the fight against evil and help the slayer. Whistler instructs Angel to go to Sunnydale and wait for the slayer to show up.

Once in Sunnydale, Angel begins to shadow Buffy and to help her in her slaying. Eventually, despite his best efforts to remain distant, he falls in love with her. They consummate their love on Buffy’s seventeenth birthday and Angel discovers something he could never have anticipated. The curse the gypies put on him has a loophole. If he were to ever experience a moment of perfect happiness the curse would break and he would lose his soul again. This is exactly what happens. Angelus is once again unleashed on the world, more specifically this time, Sunnydale. His terror reigns for several months, reuniting him with Drusilla and Spike. He devises a plan to suck the world into hell and Buffy, along with her friend Willow’s help, barely stops him from doing precisely that. Willow returns Angel’s soul to him but the portal to hell is already been opened and the only thing that will close the portal is Angel’s blood. Buffy kisses him, tells him she loves him and then she kills him. Angel spends the next three months in Hell.

The worst thing about Hell? Time doesn’t move the same there so three months is equivalent to a century. For reasons still unknown, Angel is returned to Sunnydale, feral and more than half insane from his vacation in Hell. He and Buffy reunite, unable to stay away from each other but they are more careful this time, adopting a minimal touch policy. Angel first becomes acquainted with Faith, the other vampire slayer in Sunnydale. Christmas rolls around and evil is working it’s mojo on Angel. He is haunted by all the people he killed as Angelus in an attempt to make him lose control and ‘lose his soul’ in Buffy once again. This fails but only because of Angel’s sacrificial nature and the grace of the Powers that Be. In a last ditch effort to stop himself, Angel goes to a remote cliff over looking Sunnydale with plans to greet the sunrise. He is saved by the Powers that Be who arrange for snowfall in Southern California in the middle of a heatwave. It is in May of 1999 that Angel decides to leave Sunnydale (and Buffy) believing that it is best for her.

Angel moves to Los Angeles in 1999. He meets a demon with precognitive visions named Doyle and starts up Angel Investigations. He hires Cordelia Chase from Sunnydale, California as his receptionist (part time of course, she’s trying to be an actress) and the three of them fall into a comfortable working relationship. Doyle sacrifices himself for the greater good in 2000 and Angel and Cordy are left to pick up the pieces. They’re joined shortly by other people who will all becomes members of Angel Investigations including Wesley Wyndam Pryce, Charles Gunn, Fred Burkle and Lorne aka The Host. During Angel’s first year in LA, Faith shows up from Sunnydale and is up to no good. She’s gone rogue. Angel manages to convince her that redemption is possible, she doesn’t have to be this person if she doesn’t want to be. She turns herself into the law for the things she’s done and is put in prison. Angel maintains a relationship with her, visiting her from time to time. In 2001 Angel has a son with Darla, a miracle child. Like most things, fatherhood doesn’t go well for Angel. Conner is kidnapped and taken to a Hell dimension where he is raised to hate his father and become a warrior. He succeeds and returns to LA on a mission. Angel manages to keep him from killing him but Connor, acting as the good son he is, ends up locking his father in a box and sinking him to the bottom of the ocean.

After a three month vacation including starvation and hallucinations, Angel is rescued by Wesley. Things get a bit better but the relationship with Angel and Connor is never healthy. There’s another apocalypse brewing and for this one, the team decides they need Angelus as he has memories of the enemy they’re fighting that Angel doesn’t. Angelus is unleashed, he breaks out of his prison and wrecks havoc on LA. This is where Faith comes into play once again and it’s her first brush with Angel. They fight, he almost kills her and then in a very clever move involving a nasty drug, Faith almost kills him. Instead of death, he and Faith are joined in some crazy, mind bending journey through Angel’s past. Faith helps Angel out this time, helping him defeat Angelus. With Willow’s help (again) and Faith’s, Angel regains his soul.

Just in time for another apocalypse! Sensing a pattern here? At least this one starts out small and innocent, giving them a bit of a breather. It culminates with Connor losing his mind, snapping and almost blowing up a mall with several hostages. In return for Connor’s life, Angel makes a deal with Wolfram and Hart-a supernatural organization of evil encapsulated in a law firm. He becomes their new CEO. He takes up this role and attempts to do as much good as possible but quickly realizes it’s a drop in the bucket. The only real good he can do, is take down Wolfram and Hart or at least deal a serious blow to them. Through an elaborate plan, he actually does this in a battle that includes a massive demon army and a dragon.

Example tag:
Angel had been locked up all day and the day had taken eighteen hours instead of twelve so by the time darkness fell, he was spoiling for a fight. The nice thing about this island was that he didn’t have to wait long to find one. Of course the fight he found came in the form of those creepy dog things with the hinged jaws. First one appeared but he could smell and hear the others gathering in the shadows. He waited, strolling along the beach with apparent indifference. He let the Leucrota herd him the direction it wanted him to go. The one behind him snapped at his calf, hurrying him along and before Angel could turn, he was surrounded by the little monsters. His face morphed, forehead ridging and eyes turning yellow as the demon rose to the forefront and he crouched, lunging in one direction at the creatures and growling. They backed up for an instant, surprised by this show of predator versus predator but it only bought him moments because now they were intrigued. He swung the broadsword in a low arc, aiming for their legs as he’d learned the first night here they could bite through almost anything. High pitched squeals of pain filled the air but none of the beasties actually backed off.

Oh…well he was going to have to do this the old fashioned way. At least they didn’t have limbs made of wood and they couldn’t actually kill him. Angel abandoned the sword and snatched one of the creatures up, breaking its neck and tossing it aside. They were swarming him, taking chunks of flesh out of his body but he was working just as fast, breaking necks, ripping heads off and occasionally having a bite to eat. A vampire had to get his blood from somewhere.

Example journal:On one hand, I’m not being attacked by a dragon here. On the other hand…I don’t have any idea where I’m at. Alright so it’s an island and it appears to be a resort. Who in their right mind kidnaps a vampire and puts him on an island resort? And that’s what concerns me. Whatever or whoever is bringing me and these other people aren’t in their right minds. It doesn’t bode well for anyone here but it is a nice resort. Or it seems to be. I wonder if there’s a gift shop? I could drop Nina a post card.

[verse] acairnia

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