Title: An Anti-Clockwise Event Rated: G Warning: Nope Pairing: Ohno/Aiba (gen) Prompt: Losing Track of Time Summary: Together they can make time stand still.
Ohno and Aiba have the power to stop time. I love how they believe in this and how the universe accommodates it.
And I like it that Nino's resigned while Jun and Sho are still trying to oppose Aiba and Ohno. I think they'll eventually give up and just let things be.
This made my night! I feel the need to throw in a Captain Planet-esque "with our powers combined..." but, seriously- this was awesome. The reactions were perfect! LOVE.
Thanks for the laugh! Now I will go to bed so I can pretend to be an adult tomorrow.
Comments 13
And I like it that Nino's resigned while Jun and Sho are still trying to oppose Aiba and Ohno. I think they'll eventually give up and just let things be.
Thanks for the laugh! Now I will go to bed so I can pretend to be an adult tomorrow.
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