Bored and sleepy, just not tired . . .

May 31, 2005 01:23


I don’t usually do these things, but this one seemed interesting, perhaps more to others than to myself!


01. Last Cigarette: I’ve never had one that i’ve consciously known about . . .
02. Last Kiss: Good question . . . probably snogging evildoom_bunny whilst drunk at a party over a year ago.
03. Last Cry: Saturday, when my housemate came home and told me her news.
04. Last Library Book Checked Out: Can’t remember, but it would have been something from the music library at uni, possibly a score or history book.
05. Last Movie Seen In a Theatre: Der Untergang at the German Film Festival at ACMI, and it was very good, though I was disappointed the director didn’t speak at the screening as advertised.
06. Last Book Read: Just finished Lord of the Flies, very twisted reading. I’m reading High Rise by J G Ballard now.
07. Last Cuss Word Uttered: I don’t know, could be anything.
08. Last Beverage Drank: Water
09. Last Food Consumed: Chocolate mousse Mum brought around yesterday
11. Last TV Show Watched: That Napoleon thing last night, it was a bit ehn.
12. Last Time Showered: Last night, about 2am
13. Last Shoes Worn: Work shoes
14. Last CD Played: Just finished Einstürzende Neubauten’s Fünf auf der nach oben offenen Richterskala
15. Last Soda Drank: Saturday night, lemon, lime and bitters with real lemon and soda water
16. Last Thing Written: How do you mean?
17. Last Words Spoken: “No, I’m just going to the loo!”
18. Last Sleep: Last night/this morning
21. Last Ice Cream Eaten: Good question, I think i got one at 7/11 last week because I had shitty abusive phone callers at work. It was a superchoc cornetto. yum.
22. Last Time Wanting to Die: Not since I gave up the meds ;-)
24. Last Time Dancing: Does the Nick Cave concert count? The crowd was so thick and full of idiots it was hard to move at all . . .
26. Last Big Car Ride: Adelaide and back in March for my Grandparent’s 50th Anniversary.
28. Last Annoyance: Evil, nasty, fucked up phone callers at work.
30. Last Time Scolded: For taking the shopping list and buying stuff when it wasn’t my turn.
32. Last Web Site Visited: I’ve got half a dozen open at the moment, including LJ, IMDB, Neopets, Hotmail, and ABC News.

01. piercings = 12 at last count, i think.
02. tattoos = 2
03. height = 156 i think.
04. shoe size = 5 or 6
05. hair color = Naturally red regrowth with bright red over the top.
06. siblings = Sister, Jess, evil, younger . . . she came around on the weekend, bitched and complained, then put the football on really loud on our TV!!

01. movie you rented = I’m not sure, a few weeks ago I hired Best in Show, Casablanca, The Man Without A Past, Black Cat White Cat and Jour de Fete (or something like that, Jacques Tati) with sshatteredd and evildoom_bunny . We got pizza too, but it took FOREVER for them to bloody make it!
02. movie you bought = Das Experiment
03. song you listened to = Adler kommt später - Einstürzende Neubauten
04. song that was stuck in your head = That english folk song suite we played in symphonic band in high school.
05. cd you bought = I put the soundtrack to The Man Without a Past on order
06. last thing that made you happy = Eating freshly baked lemon syrup cake!
07. person you’ve called = An applicant at work.
08. person that’s called you = Someone at work.
09. time you were sad = Yesterday
10. person you were thinking of = me, probably! :-P
11. friend you made = I met some new people on friday night, whether you’d call them friends or just acquaintances I’m not sure

02. you wish you could live somewhere else = YES! Berlin, or Richmond :-P
03. you think about suicide = Not anymore, well, not about myself committing suicide anyway.
04. you believe in online dating = I don’t think i believe in “dating” at all, really.
05. others find you attractive = Not anymore, really.
06. you want more piercings = Stupid question.
07. you drink = More than I should
08. you do drugs = Does codeine count?
09. you smoke = Nup
10. you like cleaning = Hell now!
11. you like roller coasters = Yes, though it’s been a long time
12. you write in cursive or print = Depends if i’m trying to write NEATLY or QUICKLY.

thing to do = something that makes me feel free, whether its catching up with friends, writing, playing with the pets, making music . . . anything that doesn’t involve stress.
thing to talk about = Art, music, history, politics, films, books, anything really
sports = ICELANDIC MOTOR SPORTS! YAY! or Kaninhop, tee hee!
drinks = Gin and lime, or caramel Big M. Creamy soda jolt if it was still available. Vodka. Oh, and a good cocktail.
clothes = Does my doona count? if not, probably my docs.
movies = Das Experiment, Metropolis, Freaks, Dancer in the Dark, Fight Club, The Cabinet of Dr Caligari, um . . .
singer = Good question, probably Blixa . . . ?
holiday = Does three days in Adelaide for Grandma and Grandpa’s 50th count?

ever cried over a girl = I’ve cried for friends, regardless of gender
ever cried over a boy = see above
ever lied to someone= Yes, probably more than i should
ever been in a fist fight = No, though I did punch someone at school once because he was trying to hit me in the head with one of those large ring binders with really sharp metal edges.
ever been arrested = No, though I visit the cop shop quite regularly :-P

shampoo do you use = Um, some coloured stuff I got at the supermarket for *gasp* 99 cents! It’s really good though.
shoes do you wear = Docs
are you scared of = Deep Vein Thrombosis. It’s really icky. oh and anything intravenous. Oh, and dying without leaving something worth-while behind me.

.. of times you have been in love? Probably only once.
.. of times you have had your heart broken? Once.
.. of hearts you have broken? Too many (I’ve lost too many male friends because they can’t handle my, ahem, unavailability to them, if that makes sense)
.. of girls you have kissed? um, 5?
.. of drugs taken illegally? Types of drugs? or times? 3 if it’s types of drugs.
.. of people you would classify as true, could trust with your life type friends? Two (three if Mum counts :-P)
.. of people you consider your enemies? Do politicians and corporations count?
.. of times your name has been in the paper? A few, mostly for small things in school and the like, oh, and because of our dog!
.. of scars on your body? Not that many, really, a small one on my hand from the drip i had in Year 11, and a small one on my finger from when my best friend in primary school accidently put a knife in it at a guide camp when I was in grade 6 or so!
.. of things in your past that you regret? Way too many.
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