Titel: Private World
stille_momenteFandom: Harry Potter
Charas: Luna Lovegood
Theme: part of
luna100's challenge: "upside down"
Word-count: 100
Ratings: PG
language: !!!ENGLISH!!!
Warnings: ?
Disclaimer: not mine. all JKR´s.no money. just for fun
A/N: ...
Private World
Luna wiggles her nose. The grass gently caresses the sensitive spot under her ear.
“It tickles” she decides and looks forward. A sea of tiny green blades covers the dark earth and each and every one of them is growing and pointing in her direction.
When Luna shifts her head a little more to the left the blades begin to move. She keeps on tilting - left, right
The grass seas waves - and tickles.
Luna sneezes and lost her steady. She falls over. Landing in her own upside down sea of grass she inhales deeply the flowery air and smiles.