Amatomnes || Application

Jun 16, 2010 19:34

» Name: The Doctor (11th Incarnation)
» Fandom: Doctor Who
» Reference: for information on the current incarnation as well as for information on the character as a whole.
» Canon Point: Post "Flesh and Stone" (Doctor Who New Series 5, Moffat Series 1, Season 31, Whatever you want to call it Episode 5) *WAS CANON-UPDATED TO JUST AFTER A CHRISTMAS CAROL*
» Gender: Physically and mentally male.
» Age: Physically, he looks to be approximately in his mid-twenties. Mentally, he is definitely well beyond the scope of any human, and in this incarnation, he certainly ACTS much older than he appears. And as for his actual age… it varies. He said once in his seventh incarnation that he was 953, however in the most recent episode, he’s restated his age as being 907. Current showrunner Steven Moffat has stated in a recent interview with SFX Magazine that “[the Doctor] doesn't know what age he is. He's lying. How could he know, unless he's marking it on a wall? He could be 8,000 years old, he could be a million. He has no clue.” Such is the nature of time travel, I guess.

So… to be safe, I’ll say “unknown” but at least he likes to THINK he’s around 900.

» Orientation:

…Complicated. Of course, with the Doctor, it always is. But really… it’s complicated.

Back in 1963, we are first introduced to the Doctor alongside his granddaughter, Susan. Seeing as he has a grandchild, this should (“should” being the key word here) indicate that at some point, he was in a relationship with a woman.

He’s also made some references to having been married at some point. An example of this is in Blink when he states that he is “rubbish at weddings, especially [his] own.” Now, this evidence might point towards him being heterosexual. Actually, going just off this, I would probably assume that he is heterosexual.

But, the Doctor isn’t human. He’s a Time Lord. And this is where it starts to get complicated.

One of the first things you should know about Time Lords is that they do not die. They regenerate into different bodies, and sometimes this does involve changing their sex (in the series, this is evidenced when the Doctor initially assumes that he has regenerated into a woman). Needless to say, this would almost certainly cause some issues for relationships if they were only to be defined as being "heterosexual" and "homosexual".

Another thing is we also can’t be sure as to how exactly Time Lords reproduce. As the Fourth Doctor, he has made reference to being “born”. However, in Lungbarrow, (which is an expanded universe novel, and sometimes the validity of these can be thrown into question… except that this is really the only source for the matter) Time Lords are referenced to being “loomed”, essentially… grown in a sense. As such, there has even been some debate as to whether Susan was his biological granddaughter or not (which I won’t get into because it’s a whole different can of worms).

So, just by going off of his own species, we can’t exactly come to a definitive heterosexual orientation, even if he was married.

On top of the… unusual circumstances that come with being a Time Lord, he has also shown varying levels of attraction to some of his human Companions in the series. Probably he most evident of these would have to be Rose Tyler. While he never outright says the exact words “I love you”, it is pretty obvious as to how he feels about her (with such comments as “Oh she knows” and “Rose Tyler I-“, it really can’t get too much more obvious). In Journey’s End, she even ends up with a human clone of the Doctor with all of his memories intact. He has also shown some level of attraction to one of his male companions, Jack Harkness (although on a much lesser scale than Rose), having a few flirtatious exchanges with him. Take this conversation from Boomtown, after seeing Rose and her boyfriend hug and kiss one another on reunion:

Jack: Aw, how come I never get any of that?
The Doctor: Buy me a drink and we'll see.
Jack: So much hard work!
The Doctor: But worth it!

Furthermore, it’s also been implied that he married and slept with Queen Elizabeth I on two separate occasions (The End of Time and The Beast Below). He also appeared to have feelings for Madame de Pompadour in The Girl in the Fireplace. All of this evidence clearly indicates interest in individuals outside of his species.

There could also be an argument made that he has some sort of attraction to the TARDIS of all things. In School Reunion, Rose and Sarah Jane joke about how he sometimes… strokes the ship. Furthermore, in The Eleventh Hour, upon first seeing the TARDIS after the ship repairs itself, the Doctor remarks: “You sexy thing” and later on in the same episode refers to it as “dear”.

From all of this evidence, it is pretty clear that the Doctor’s sexuality can’t really be defined in simple human terms.

Also worth noting is this quote from Steven Moffat stating that “the Doctor may long, he may notice but he doesn’t do.” Sex is something that he definitely doesn’t pursue, and in some cases seems to actively go out of his way to avoid. This is even more clearly evidenced in this particular incarnation. One example occurs at the end of Flesh and Stone, where his current Companion, Amy attempts to kiss him and she is met by a rather strong reaction:

“Ye..No! No! NO! I'm 907 years old and look at me. I don't get older, I just change. You get older. And I don't. And this can't ever work.”

So, to sum up the tl;dr, it’s probably best to say that he’s pansexual (with some preference falling towards female shaped… people), but EXTREMELY (and I cannot emphasize the EXTREMELY enough) uninterested at this point in canon. After all, saving the universe comes WAY before sex.

» Personality:

Who is the Doctor? The answer to that isn’t an easy question by any stretch. And to be honest… it really does vary. From regeneration to regeneration, the Doctor’s personality can change quite a bit.

So, who is the Doctor in this current incarnation?

The first word one might think to describe him would be “alien”, especially in comparison to his predecessor, the Tenth Doctor, who could seem far more “human” at times and not quite as… odd. Even in Eleven’s first few episodes, there are a lot of indications at just how alien he is. In The Eleventh Hour, he changes his clothes in front of two people, with no care that they’re still standing right there, and could possibly be watching. In The Beast Below, he tells a woman that “there’s an escaped fish on the loose” when he finds himself placing a cup of water on the ground. In Victory of the Daleks, he also shows a great deal of difficulty by trying to convince a cyborg that at his core, he’s human. And in The Time of Angels, in order to convince Amy that her hand isn’t made of stone, he bites it. Yes, you can tell right away that Eleven is definitely not from Earth.

“Dorky” or “quirky” is probably another way to describe the Doctor in this incarnation. In interviews, he has been described by both the actor and the showrunner as someone who thinks he’s cooler than he actually is, as well as an old man in a young man’s body, which is evidenced at various points in the most recent series. In The Eleventh Hour, after saving the planet, he triumphantly exclaims “Who da man?” before being met with strange looks and deciding that “[he’d] never say that again”. Also, when told about derisive comments about his bowtie, he remarked “bowties are cool”. Along with his more “alien” actions, he’s definitely a very different person from his predecessor.

He’s definitely also got quite a bit of a temper. While his predecessor was liable to bouts of rage in extreme circumstances, Eleven is much more overt with his temper. In The Beast Below, we see him yelling at Amy for not telling him a vital piece of information. In Victory of the Daleks, he both verbally and physically assaults a Dalek when it will not admit what exactly it is to the Doctor. In The Time of Angels, he delivers an extremely firm affirmation to the weeping angels, after they taunt him and attempt to make him angry:

The Doctor: Oh, big, big mistake. Really huge. Didn't anyone ever tell you? There's one thing you never put in a trap. If you're smart, if you value your continued existence, if you have any plans about seeing tomorrow, there is one thing you never, ever put in a trap.
Angel Bob: And what would that be, sir?
The Doctor: Me.

Basically, if you manage to get this Doctor mad, expect there to be nothing short of hell to pay.

However, he also doesn’t seem to carry quite the same burden at being the last of the Time Lords as both the Ninth and Tenth Doctors did. This is evidenced in The Beast Below, he describes the events of the Time War as being a “bad day” and leaves it at that, rather than elaborating. While it still does weigh on him, it doesn’t quite seem to be to same level that it was to his previous two incarnations.

Despite these personality differences though, he is still the Doctor. There is a certain something that remains with him from incarnation to incarnation.

One example of this is the care that he shows for his companions, even if he has only known them for a short while. The most recent example of this can be seen with Amy . Despite being “alien” the Doctor definitely cares deeply for humans, and in particular the ones that he travels with.

He’s also someone who tends to do a lot of running. In fact, the whole series began when he ran from something (it is never actually specified what it was) on his home planet. Companions have noted this over different eras a well, most recently with Donna Noble and River Song. This idea of not wanting to face something manifests once again when he runs into River Song, an individual that will apparently mean something to him in the future. However, the last thing he wants to do is stick around and confront her, instead telling Amy that they should be off right away.

Perhaps most importantly though, is his endless enthusiasm about the universe and its history, and in particular his enthusiasm for Earth. He seems to have a near-unlimited knowledge of the universe, Earth and their history, and loves sharing this with his companions. First and foremost though, the Doctor has (nearly) always been something of a protector to the planet. He emphasizes this once again when he tells a group of aliens that “[he’d] put a lot of work into Earth” and tells them that “[it] is protected”. This is only the most recent example with far too many others to count.

So, the Doctor is… the Doctor. But he is also the Eleventh Doctor. It’s complicated with him, as it always is. But one thing is for certain. When it comes to him, there is never a dull moment.

» Appearance: “Nerdy” or “dorky” is probably the only way to really accurately describe the Doctor’s attire in this current incarnation. He wears a tweed jacket and bowtie, with braces underneath. He has a very… largeish face with no eyebrows (or rather very light ones) and longer dark hair which is done in a style that can only be likened to… Conan O’Brian.

Yeah… dorky is really the only word that can accurately describe him.

Being a Time Lord, he does have a few internal biological differences from a human, though outwardly they look nearly identical. This includes two hearts as well as a body temperature that is slightly below average.

Pictures for reference: and

» Suitability: N/A, over 18.


» "amatomnes" Entry:

[ On goes the video feed, revealing yet another new arrival. This one looks to be in about his mid-twenties (if that), though there’s something about him that gives him an air of being far older than he actually looks.

Maybe it's the bow tie. ]

Hello. [ His tone starts off light before becoming more subdued. The British accent certainly helps things along as well. ] Good, it’s on.

From what I’ve been able to gather, this is a communication device, consistent with similar technology used in 21st century Earth and the less fashionable parts of the Orion Nebula. But, you and I both know that this is nowhere near the Orion Nebula or 21st century Earth, don’t we?

[ He certainly doesn’t seem to be addressing anyone on the network, but rather the “goddess”. ]

On top of that, there seems to be something around my neck. The fabric is consistent with… [he raises a hand, feeling the article in question ] ...tweed, though seeing as it won’t come off, it is likely enforced by some sort of alloy found in the darker regions of the galaxy and a low-level perception filter, which would explain why I can’t seem to...

But never mind that.

I’m sure that you already know just how many laws you’re violating, so I am not going to rehash the finer points of the Shadow Proclamation.

But I am only going to tell you this. And I’m only telling you this once. You will tell me where you’ve taken both my ship and my travelling companion and you will return them to me unharmed. I don’t know what you’re playing at, but trust me when I say that you’ll have a lot worse than the Shadow Proclamation to answer to.

I am going to find a way out of here, whether you choose to cooperate or not. [ He raises his voice. ] I’ve dealt with far worse than temporal disturbances and collars you can’t remove. I’ve saved an entire planet in twenty minutes with only a Post Office, a mobile and a laptop. I’ve toppled entire civilisations. I’ve seen the end of time itself.

[ The look he gives the feed is almost… dangerous. ]

I’m the Doctor. And the biggest mistake you could have made was trapping me here.

» "amatomneslogs" Entry:

There was something very wrong here. Incredibly very not good wrong.

For one thing, the Doctor was asleep. Now, this might not normally be cause for alarm, but he definitely didn’t remember falling asleep. And that could certainly pose a problem. For another, what he happened to be dreaming about… something that he had absolutely no business dreaming about. Ever. Never. It wasn’t in any way acceptable or decent and it was just plain… wrong. Just… completely wrong.

Needless to say, the Doctor had never been more relieved to wake up from that dream that he had no business having, and from that nap he couldn’t remember taking. How could someone forget taking a nap? Really.

As soon as he opened his eyes though all of that started to make sense. Sort of. Maybe. Not really at all.

The last thing he could remember was heading into the TARDIS console room, determined to sort the matter of one Amelia Pond (who he definitely had not been dreaming about, especially after what he had said earlier). And this definitely wasn't the TARDIS.

The Doctor took a moment to survey his surroundings. The room certainly seemed nice enough, but he knew all too well that looks could be incredibly deceiving. The architecture could be indicative of Ancient Greece (or 41st century Greece, when they decided that it really was high time to bring back some of the old monuments and restore them completely to their former glory… or even one of the Grecian Planets in the system just past Alpha Centauri) but there were a variety of reasons he doubted that was the case. As far as he could tell, no Greek-related planet would cause him to feel this way. And he wasn’t talking about the side effects of that unfortunate dream (not that there were any side effects).

He couldn’t feel anything properly. Not the TARDIS… not time, not… anything. It was like there was just… an absence of it. Which he certainly knew that there couldn’t be. Unless… there was something that was blocking it out. Some sort of perception filter. He looked around the room, seeing if there was anything that could have been causing it, but could find… nothing. It was then he noticed it. There was some sort of tweed fabric around his neck. Which really only meant a conclusion that he should have came to quite some time ago (maybe he could blame it on the perception filter?).

He’s been kidnapped by someone or something.

And he happened to be missing his clothes. But that was clearly connected to his kidnapping. After all, some of the more primitive methods of teleportation were liable to only transfer living biological tissue, leaving one’s clothes securely back where they had come from. Of course, that raised the question as to how exactly someone had managed to sneak a primitive teleport onto his TARDIS and their motivation behind doing so.

He slipped out of bed, with the intention to do some more exploring. However, he stopped THAT train of thought when he caught a glimpse of something that was neatly folded at the base of his bed. Upon closer inspection, they appeared to be the clothes that he’d been wearing. As well as his sonic screwdriver (which he somehow suspected wasn’t going to work ) and something that looked to be some sort of communication device. That scrapped the whole “low level teleport” idea. Which meant that someone had stripped him naked after he had arrived, and in combination with that impossible dream, it could only mean-

…That train of thought wasn’t going to be very useful.

He didn’t have time for being kidnapped by some… whatever he was kidnapped by. He didn’t have the time. There was a crack in the universe that could very well threaten to destroy the whole of reality, and he absolutely, positively, for the whole sake of the universe needed to get Amy Pond sorted out as soon as he could.

After slipping back into his clothes as quickly as he could (bowties do take some time to put back on), he turned on the device. He didn’t bother to really look over the network other than just a quick glance (there were far more important things to do right now and maybe he could explore this planet in more detail… after he sorted out what he needed to and got his TARDIS back). Hopefully, this would enable him to get in contact with his kidnapper, whoever, or whatever they were.

He needed to get back to his ship and equally importantly he needed to find Amy. The whole of reality could very well depend on it.

application, amatomnes

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