oh friend, you've left me speechless

Dec 21, 2009 09:31

I've got a couple of hours to kill in BWI before I hop on the plane that will take me home for break. And there is free WiFi for the holidays! How about a quick update? I mean, since it's been, like, three months, and all.

Exams have been taken, and now I realize why the department is giving me the whole next semester to write my honors thesis, because writing a 26-page paper in two days SUCKS. Especially when the conclusion boils down to, "South Africa is corrupt, but the Democratic Republic of the Congo is EVEN MORE corrupt, and I'm blaming their leaders for everything. Hooray for Africa!" I feel like maybe if I'd typed that out in 72-point font it might have been the same sort of thing, except with less trauma on my part. The other three classes seem to have gone OK: my ConLaw professor likes me, which is apparently a big deal, my Anthro professor tried to talk me into switching my major (ahahahaha NO) and I'm sure Professor Edlin will let me out with a decent grade. Assuming he ever grades our papers or our exams. I love the man, but he grades at a glacial pace. But he's also been amazing at dealing with me this semester, so. Overall I can't complain.

In law school news, we're anxiously awaiting the score from my December LSAT, since I wasn't quite happy with the score I got in September. I mean, 161 is still good, don't get me wrong. It just isn't good enough for the schools I want (hi, UVA, I love you). I'm hoping LSAC will be kind and give me the score before Christmas, but I'll probably just have to wait until Jan 4 like they keep telling me. I've applied to ... I think it's nine schools at this point? And EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THEM is waiting for my Dec score before they consider my application, which is just annoying. Especially since I know people who are already getting acceptances. I'm getting a little twitchy.

It's been nice living in a house on campus this year, and I love my roomies, but Oh My God did I need to leave campus, like, last week. Everybody was driving me nuts. And I haven't been home for Christmas since 2007. And then the enormous snowstorm (Blizzard 2009!) delivered its smackdown on Saturday, but luckily things here at BWI seem to be getting back on track. Carlisle got a foot of snow in a day. It was pretty, but also kind of freaky, since I was the only one in my house (or on my block, I think) and I kept thinking the power was gonna go out or something. Paranoid, me? Phssssh.

Next semester I'll be writing an honors thesis in the PoliSci department (thesis writing for fun and profit! only without the fun and profit!) despite the fact that most of the professors don't think I can manage my topic. (Bastards.) I'll have to come up with a way of structuring my research that makes the political science people happy while still letting myself think like a lawyer (which is apparently the was Professor Edlin and I think, to the dismay of most of the PoliSci faculty). Expect future babble about Supreme Court opinions and justices and timelines. It'll be awesome. And also SUPER PAINFUL WHY AM I DOING THIS?

I've also been watching random episodes of Star Trek (original series), courtesy of iTunes and YouTube. Oh my God, William Shatner. You lovable doofus. Also, Spock is hilarious (eyebrow!), and De Kelley is a BAMF. Between OS and Reboot, I've come to the conclusion that I need to date a Southerner. I already have some of the lingo down, God only knows why, and I think it's hilarious that you can mitigate any insult by adding "bless your heart" to the end of it. Bones McCoy, call me. If your conclusion at the end of this paragraph is that I'm now a Trekkie slasher, I will not deny it. And can I just say that no one should be surprised that Reboot is one of my favorite movies. It has pretty people and snappy dialogue. I mean, COME ON.

I think that's everything important. Which is kind of sad, since last time I wrote anything was Sept 25. Being a senior in college kills absolutely all of your free time, I've discovered. It's not OK. Although being legally able to buy tequila tends to mitigate some of the pain. Hopefully Facilities leaves my stash in the cupboard under the microwave untouched over break, or heads will roll upon my return in January. Also, if our fridge leaks water all over the floor, it will just prove my point that we should have been allowed to keep them plugged in over break. Just saying.

Mostly I am ready to go home and not have to think for a while. I'll have to start doing thesis research over break, but I'm not starting that until January. I'm going to sit around and watch the Discovery Channel and drive my car and hang out with my little brother. And it will be awesome. And we shall have no need of crepe.

Peace out, brown trout.

the driveby update post, exams, recaps, anthro minor for no discernable reason, phsssh, trekkies united, the professor tag, the obsession tag, after which i fall over

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