Real romance is like this

Feb 27, 2011 14:49

Because a friend wanted Junsu/Jia and I am weak to awkward pairings, even when I have no idea who one half of the pairing is. >:| Crack like a cracky thing, only no one seems to think it's meant to be crack, so obviously I suck. :D

Real romance is like this
Junsu/Jia, PG-13, ~200 words

The best times weren't when they hugged, or held hands, or kissed. The sex, too, was awkward and more than a little lackluster, so after the first couple of tries they just gave up. No, Junsu learned, the best times were when it just got so awkward and uncomfortable that he had to do something, anything, to lighten the mood, which usually meant bursting into song and ignoring the rest of the world for a verse or two. It was the only way he knew of to revive quickly-dying conversations, and its effect was more like prolonging a long, slow death by terminal disease than resuscitating the conversation into health again -- but with Jia, it turned out to be the miracle that saved their relationship, because she started dancing right along, and suddenly everything was perfect and they fit together like matching puzzle pieces and it wasn't awkward at all.

They still couldn't hold a real conversation to save their own lives, but that was okay: they shared a deeper connection than that. They had music, and really, that's all Junsu needed in a soulmate anyway.

crack like a cracky thing, genre failure, 2pm: junsu, shut up i didn't write this okay, miss a: jia

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