I'm too too tired to go into details, but she wasn't making any sense at all tonight.
Edit: Okay, apparently I'm just awake enough to type a lot. FYI, there's Supervisor, directly over me. Then Boss, directly over Supervisor. We like Supervisor. We no like Boss.
So I've drafted up schedules that would work during the semester based on if I get Group A or Group B for clinicals. (The groups are on different days.) Last semester we switched halfway through, I need to email Maureen and ask her if that's going to be the case again this semester.
If I get Group A...
I'd need to take 10 hours of vacation time one week. (There's just no way to do everything.) And if my boss were nice, just work 6 hours of a day shift some weeks. That would keep me at 36 hours which is technically full time. Of course, if she wants to be a bitch about it, I can squeeze in the extra 4 freakin' hours.
If I get Group B...
Every other week I'd need to take 10 hours of vacation time. The other week would be fun. So that'd be 70 hours of vacation time over the semester...I currently have 162 in my bank.
I know she's not going to be happy with either of these. I'm wondering if it's even worth it at this point. (Which it is, I'm just sleepy.) Supposedly my supervisor, my boss, and I are going to talk this weekend. (I'm not bringing my paperwork with me, just going to try and get a word in edgewise.) If that doesn't go well, which I'm sure it won't, I'm going to ask for a meeting with all of us and HR.
How is Boss crazy you ask? I worked the last two nights for C because she was sick. That would put me at 8 nights in a row when I normally only work 6. I'm also sick right now. Just a head cold, but sickly. I asked Supervisor...if she talked to C and C was feeling better, if C could possibly work Friday night for me. 1-I'm tired. 2-She might need the hours. 3-Olli might be in town.
Well, Supervisor talked to C and it all worked out. I have tomorrow night off. Whee!
So I'm on the phone with Boss tonight. She said she'd try to get back to me tomorrow. I said, FYI, I'm not working tomorrow night. "Well, how did you manage that? I mean, who authorized this?" she said in a completely snotty tone. "Supervisor," I replied.
Then my boss goes off on this mini tangent about C working 10 nights in a row. What!? I worked 2 of her nights. And she's only coming in for 1 night for me. So where the hell is she getting 10 nights in a row from? *I'm* the one coming in on my nights off even though I don't feel well.
*rolls her eyes*
I swear Boss is losing it.