__________PART 42__________
Rain: Uh... *Staring at the stranger, Spyder, who has just barged in.* Can I help you?
Spyder: *Trying not to seem suspicious.* Oh, Um, yes. I'll just order some dinner.
Rain: *sighs* Well, Trillion, can you handle that? My shift ended 10 minutes ago.
Rain: You'll be okay, Trill.
Trillion: Yes. Yeah, I will be. *sniff*
Rain: Goodnight! *She leaves the sushi bar.*
Spyder: Stares at the door inwhich Rain just left, as if contemplating something.*
Trillion: So, uh, you gonna order something?
Spyder: *quietly* I'd like your strongest drink and some information.
Trillion: Infor--what?
*Jun flings the door open as he enters*
Jun: Damn, I didn't think Rain would ever leave!
*Spyder stares at him*
Jun: I've been hiding out there for almost 20 minutes and -- *Sees spyder* Oops, a customer.
__________TO BE CONINTUED__________
New one tomorrow, too! ^_^