10 days, no update. Welcome to life.
Things have been moving along at their usual pace, I suppose. I've obviously been spending time Downriver. That's just a given lately. Other than that?
Been spending time with friends (as always), racking up miles on the truck, making money, having fun and living.
We had Ariel's 1st birthday party on the 25th. It went off without a hitch. There were so many people at my sister's, it was crazy.
Saw Patrick for a little while the other night. It was sweet. Funny how you miss certain people in certain ways...
Jeremy and I ended up doing a favor for Joe and Scott the other night, which resulted in us all having a jolly good time. Afterwards, Davey took off with them out to the point. After a few minutes of talking with Lorenzo and whatnot, Jeremy and I decided to head out that way and scare them. Once that was accomplished, we all went walking on the tubes and had a pow-wow on the wall, looking out at the lake. It's really pretty at 1:something in the morning. Once we were done with that, we followed the trail down to one of the beaches, climbed down the wall of boulders and chilled for a few. I love how peaceful it is out there...
Eventually, we made the climb back up the boulders and walked the half mile back to our cars and left. The ride home was interesting... Thanks to the simple amusement of throwing stuff out the sun-roof at Joe, Scott and Davey, Joe's ass and clouds of dust.
Sunday? We pretty much just lounged around Granny's all day, enjoying the ability to relax. Then, around 5, we left and headed towards Zion for evening services. "Evening services?! WTF?!!!" Yeah, I went to church. Get fucked~~~>
Ended up going to see Steve & Molly for the first time in a year and a half. They haven't changed much.
Monday was stressful. I wasn't shocked though. (Notice me not disclosing the reasons? LOL. Mind your business and I'll mind mine, you nosey fucks.) ;)
It would have been a wasted day (after work) but Nathan called and wanted me to head out to his house. So, I eventually got to jump in the shower and get ready to go. Well, to make a long story short...I didn't end up at Nathan's. He ended up sleeping alone and I ended up shocking the Hell out of Parker.
It was cool, though. We sat around and BS'd for a while until we decided to build a fire outside. Sat out there talking and relaxing until the 2nd time the fire tried attacking him. A humorous question and an obvious answer...and we were back inside. It was tight though, because there's a doorwall in Parker's room and the fire was right outside of it. So we spent some time in bed yet still by the light of the fire. Aww. LOL.
The other highlight of Monday? I had a very long conversation with K. We've been figuring out a lot of shit lately and it's just making us closer. I swear, that man is the biggest test of my patience so far in life. It's all worth it though.
After I got home from Parker's somewhere around 2AM, I ended up on the phone with Paul. We didn't hang up until somewhere around 7AM when he made me go to sleep. Yeah, I had to wake up at 8AM for work. That was fun.
I got to go to Verizon yesterday because my POS phone quit working completely about a half hour before I got to Parker's on Monday. Well, $330 later...I have a new phone. Problem? The damned thing won't charge. So after work today, I get to go back to Verizon. Again. Grr...
Ran over to SC on my way back to Hell and had Maggie put a hoop back in the front piercing (tongue). That barbell was going to fuck my shit up. So, now I'm back to my standard; 1 barbell, 1 hoop.
OK. That's as much as you assclowns are going to find out here.
[you may now resume thumbing your asses]