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Comments 10

randomcub May 6 2010, 16:30:37 UTC
Hear, hear!

And why isn't geothermal encouraged and inexpensive?


stivalineri May 6 2010, 17:04:37 UTC
it must be either stupidity, cupidity, or conspiracy


nipper_dawg May 6 2010, 23:36:12 UTC
Geothermal is starting to come out more and more on big projects. No place does anyone sell commercially GeoTh for small household units. They have them for McMansions, but no one invested in the tech as all they cared about were cathidral celings and fancy kitchens. they can show off a heating unit.


wescobear May 6 2010, 17:12:45 UTC
Actually my local Home Depot has had a display at the entrance for about two months touting home solar panels. IMHO, the real question is why can't I just buy solar panels off of the sales floor at Home Depot?

Even better is an idea I heard from California; you contract with your energy company to install solar panels. They bear all the initial cost and you just keep paying your current average monthly bill until the panels are paid off. The downside is that it's a long payoff, but there is no initial outlay for the home owner. (No idea what happens when the owner goes to sell the house before the payoff, though.)


nipper_dawg May 6 2010, 23:36:53 UTC
i alwasy liked that idea.


sunsmogseahorse May 6 2010, 19:26:13 UTC
Why the hell do we have to import subway and other rail cars from Italy and Austria when we're laying off auto plant employees?


furr_a_bruin May 6 2010, 22:20:09 UTC
Because our tax structure is fucked up and we haven't shot enough corporate assholes in the head for outsourcing vital jobs... yet.


nipper_dawg May 6 2010, 23:33:50 UTC
I used to work for the NYC transit Authority. they have two new cars, One from Bombardier and one from Kawasaki. They are both assembled in New York State. Thier parts come from all over the world, with Motors from GE.
A long time ago most the Auto Mfg's used to build RR equipment. They got out of it when the RR's crashed. Only GM does it now. You can't just flip a swithc and build something that takes a lot of time to design, then get a factory up and running. That money just doesnt exist unless You can get congress to pay for it.
The largest Rolling Stock maker is still in the United states (as we have the largest freight-train stock.
As far as importing cars form other countries - balme the taxpayer. Eveyron talks big untill they demand that fares and taxes be kept down, so the lowest price wins.

(edited cause i cant type)


nipper_dawg May 6 2010, 23:30:00 UTC
Actually my Home depot you can order Solar Panels.

Wind turbins come from the places with the lowest cost. Germany has been doing them for many years and have the costs down. Blame the Regan Admin for stopping research into alternative energy.gegan even had the Solar Panels removed from the Whit House and other federal buildings.

Ask Congress about the oil. The President is just one man and aside from the Bully Pulpit really has little power over a lot of domestic laws.

See the above statement for the last one. you can propose things till the cows come home, but when the leading partyin both houses have no balls, there is not much the President can do.

You want to ask these questions ask where the hell they are to your Representative and Congressman.


tkn1114 May 9 2010, 02:00:47 UTC
Thank you!

Talk more about this stuff.


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