Here-in be my thoughts on the rest of the episodes of the Legend of Korra. Needless to say spoilers abound. There will probably be more commentary on episodes 4-6 since I remember more from them
After seeing all the episodes, I am of the opinion that I very much prefer the plot when the episode is not romance - focused, which is why I liked episode 6 more than episode 5. I have said previously before that I have tried to not prefer either ships (particularly cause I know what the writers have done in the past, and if the Nickolodean site is any indication, something that they feel compelled to continue). But I happen to prefer the interaction between Korra and Bolin. To me the writers are more successful in showing their relationship as more.. natural and organic (at least, when they're aren't using cliches/tropes such as 'I have love you from blah blah blah). I dont think there are many relationships where people are simply having a fun time and enjoying each other's company the way they did.
I'm not quite sure where they're going with that after episode 5, if they are deciding to go in any direction at all
What I also took out of episode 5 is that it's a real pity that despite the presence of female characters, there isn't one who is actually Korra's peer. The closest thing we have is Asami, and whilst at the moment I don't have too large of a concern that she's simply there to be a romantic rival, it's pretty depressing that after her initial introduction we don't get to see her an awful lot (she doesn't even have any lines in episode 6). With that, I also think that it's a real pity, that (I think) halfway through the series, there hasn't been a large, if any voice/viewpoint of the whole Equalist situation from Non-benders. It's been pretty a one- sided affair so far, maybe they'll expand on it later on?
As for episode 6. I agree with others that I liked the animation and Lin at the last act of the episode. What makes me curious, however, is the fact that, as many have speculated, the writers decided to give Lin and Tenzin a romantic past (and is the other woman that Pema mentions the episode earlier). I just hope the writers know what they are doing here, because there is a very dangerous potential for them to simply recreate the female character dichotomy all over again (particularly so if the reason for their break-up is because Tenzin wanted kids, and she didn't, and moreso if they wanted a parallel that with Korra's situation with Asami).
I also wish that Korra didn't continually use "pretty boy" as an insult, and this is something that I have noticed the writers doing in the previous series as well. There is a tendency for the writers to make jokes on male characters when they adopt characteristics that have been traditionally considered female (it happened in episode 4 as well, with the joke with Tarlok smelling like he has perfume). If you're going to insult Tahno, insult him because he's a jerk, not because of the way he looks (I think that's the other thing that bothered me about it, I personally don't think it's all that accurate in his case anyway since I don't think he's pretty).
So with all that said, I think I liked episode 4 the most, because I felt the writing was the most strongest in that episode (particularly the ending sequence).