RP: Training Day

Nov 24, 2006 19:56

Date: November 24, 2004 (evening)
Character(s): Hermione, Ron, Percy
Location: Ministry. Abandoned publisher in wizarding Cambridge
Status: Private
Summary: Percy trains Hermione and Ron
Completion: Complete

After a busy morning and afternoon spent organizing her thoughts and making more definite lists, Hermione was excited when she noticed that it was time to leave. She was looking forward to seeing Percy again and learning about bookmaking. For something that had never even occurred to her a few days ago, she'd taken to the idea immediately.

The thought of having a skill that could be useful meant a lot. She didn't have her NEWTs and hadn't had a job, ever, so she felt rather useless in the scheme of things. She wanted to help rebuild the library, but there wasn't anything she could really do there since she didn't have money or books to donate. Being able to print books, though, meant she'd be able to make a copy of anything that the library needed or that the world needed to have accessible. She was particularly pleased at the idea of sharing knowledge in some way by printing them.

Not only that, but it was something that Ron would be able to help do and they could actually possibly bring in some sort of income. Even if it was a small amount, it could pay for the supplies necessary to print, help with the store, and aid them with their personal expenses. Hopefully. She wasn't counting her chickens, as the saying went, but she was happy to have some sort of goal once again. Without one, she'd felt rather lost.

It was time to leave, which meant finding Ron. She tidied up her desk and then ran a brush through her hair before leaving her room. "Ron, you ready? It's time to go?"

percy weasley, place: the ministry, ron weasley, november 2004, place: vanateigh press, hermione granger

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