Date: December 2, 2004
Character(s): Angelina Johnson, Alicia Spinnet, Wayne Hopkins
Location: River Place Flats and Alpha Lane
Status: Private
Summary: Angelina finds an open flat on the top floor and moves in, meets a new friend, and commendeers a place of business for her broom shop.
Completion: Incomplete
Angelina had woken up early to go flying, but instead of returning to the ground and climbing stairs at River Place, she decided to land on the roof and go into the building that way. There was a door on the roof going down into the building, but it was locked with a large padlock.
"Alohamora," said Angelina as she pointed her wand at the lock. Lo, and behold, it opened. "Guess it does work on Muggle locks," she thought.
As she headed down the staircase to Ali's flat on the fifth floor, she noticed a door wide open on the sixth. The flat was completely empty except a couch and table, some Muggle appliances, a few bookcases, and a bed in the bedroom. It didn't look like it had been touched in a very long time. There was dust everywhere and no other traces of human beings. A few spiderwebs hung in the corners.
"Score!" Ang pumped her fist in the air.
Ang ran down the stairs to Ali's flat and found her still home. "Ali," she called, busting the door open, excitedly. "Why didn't you tell me there was an empty flat upstairs?"
"Didn't know there was one," she shouted back from the other room.
"Well, I'm moving upstairs and getting out of your hair!" she shouted back to Alicia.
Angelina packed her one bag with a quick spell and headed for the door, but when she got there, there was a very attractive young black wizard standing in the doorway.
"Hello?" she questioned. "Looking for Ali?"