RP: The Loft is now open

Mar 25, 2007 14:45

Date: 25 March 2005
Characters: Ron Weasley, Lavender Brown, Wayne Hopkins
Location: 35 Alpha Lane, upstairs
Status: Public
Summary: Ron opens The Loft, as a small, quiet alternative hangout.
Completion: Complete

The last few days hadn't been good. The power cut early Thursday morning, Ron learned, was only part of the vandalism; the thugs had stolen almost all of the hospital's potions and broken dozens of windows along River Road. Then Ron spent the night with Lavender and had yet another nightmare, this one more intense than the first. He was trying not to worry too much about the nightmares but having two in one week had spooked him a bit. He was glad he had something that might take his mind, and perhaps other people's as well, off the recent troubles. Despite the power cut he was determined to open The Loft today. He printed some new flyers and Apparated around town to post them.

At quarter of two he went up into The Loft and checked to make sure everything was okay. The rooms contained a mishmash of unusual, unmatched sofas and chairs, plus several groups of tables and chairs, all of which Hermione and Roger had salvaged from vacant houses around town. Ron loved the fact the nothing matched; unlike Hermione, he had no innate need for orderly surroundings, and growing up at the Burrow he was used to barely-controlled chaos. At any rate he liked the furnishings and hoped other people in the village would enjoy the funky atmosphere. He was too keyed up to sit down and relax; instead he positioned himself where he could greet people as they entered. He'd set up the chess sets and a few board games Hermione had given him for his birthday and waited. If things got really boring, he could always read about Quidditch.

wayne hopkins, ron weasley, lavender brown, march 2005, place: the loft

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