Date: March 6, 2006
Characters: Wayne Hopkins
Location: Home
Status: Private
Summary: It was time to take a chance
Completion: Complete
After living in this flat for years, during the last years of the war and after when everything was a mess and needed to be rebuilt, it was funny how little time it took to pack. Of course, using magic helped a lot. Felt empty here now, with everything in boxes or shrunk for the move. As he looked around, Wayne had to wonder for the hundredth time in the last month if this was the best decision he could make.
It felt right, though. The community centre was set up, running well, had volunteers and employees to take care of everything, and he wasn't really needed there. The meal delivery program was organized and, really, there wasn't really anything else for him to do. He'd been working at the centre scheduling things and slowly going out of his mind with paperwork. He liked to help people, liked to get his hands dirty, and there just weren't really any more opportunities for that here in Stoatshead Hill.
It was amazing how different the town looked. In the nearly eighteen months since the war finally ended, the place had come to life. People had made the abandoned houses into homes. There were marriages and babies and new shops. He loved this town, had loved being part of the rebuilding effort, and never got tired of walking around and seeing all the changes.
But it wasn't really the same now. His friends had drifted off into marriages and relationships, he'd had a failed relationship, of sorts, and the estrangement with his family was still painful. He walked through the streets and along the river, and he saw familiar faces and heard laughter, but it was always like something he was meant to just watch and never really be part of. An outsider. He didn't really care cause it'd always been kinda that way, even back at Hogwarts, and age didn't change things too much.
Maybe it was that discontent that had led to the restlessness, or maybe he just got used to being busier and doing things that really mattered more than scheduling a yoga group on the calendar. Or maybe the offer had just arrived at the right time. Didn't really matter. He'd thought about, even made a list to figure out if it was the right thing to do for himself, and then he'd replied with an acceptance. Then, he'd started making plans and getting packed. Had owls to send to Dennis and Ernie and Hannah and Orla and Roger, letting them know he was moving, but he didn't plan to send them until tomorrow, when he was already gone.
It was bloody amazing, when he thought about it. Hogsmeade was going to be rebuilt. It was going to take many months, even with magic, and he could afford to go volunteer for however long they needed him. Not like he'd need much money to live in a tent and eat along with other volunteers, but he had the means to do something that risky without caring so much. Meant leaving Stoatshead Hill behind, cause he knew he'd not be back to live once he left. Not if the rumors about eventually working on Hogwarts were true. Hogsmeade would become his home, and maybe he'd finally find somewhere he really belonged.