Reply to this post with your claim. If you are making multiple claims, please put each claim in a seperate comment.
* You may make as many claims as you'd like, just keep in mind that you are still responsible for completing all 100 in the same amount of time.
* Types of claims allowed are as follows:
Category (ex. A claim of animals, food, drinks, desserts, cities, colors, people, Landscapes, continents, Capital cities, buildings)
Individual (ex. London, England. Cupcakes, Sushi, Cats (Wild and Domestic), Coffee, Redheads, babies, puppies, Japan, Purple)
If you are unsure as to where your claim falls, ask. :)
* Reply using the following format please:
Type: (Category or Individual)
Claim: (what you are claiming)
Username: (whatever LJ account you will be using to comment to the theme entries)
Type:Claim:Username: Comments are screened until claims are approved. If more than 48 hours have passed, pester me (