He'd make a nice Indian Darcy, if Darcy were not supposed to be a white British guy. If they did a version of P&P in which Darcy was a stuck up Indian aristocrat type - then it would make sense. He is nice looking, but yes, the height just won't due, unless Lizzy happens to be on the short side herself. Plus, he looks kind of stiff, a funny look to his cheeks, as if he's using Botox or something. *shrug* Maybe it's just the lighting.
Well, yes, I realize they had a white (ehm -American played by a New Zealander) Darcy. Naveen Andrews was a British Bingley -- I would have liked that angle more -- an Indian Darcy who was born elsewhere and the "class" conflict that goes with a wealthy Indian coming back to the old country.
Here's a more rugged look for him. After my initial drool, I realized he was perhaps too pretty:
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Ooohh! Me likey! I think he would have made a perfect Indian Darcy actually! I think he looks rather aristocratic actually!
You know Heroes is a show I actually wish I did watch. I hear wonderful things about it from some people I work with and the premise of the show sounds pretty interesting.
I hope to catch some of it when it's on summer hiatus. Then again, somehow I never watch any TV during the summer months.
I've updated the first photo... as you can tell by my second ETA post, he's got something that gives me an automatic soft spot for him, so nothing bad is allowed to be said about him EVER. Gorgeous and wearing an autism puzzle piece pin... what's not to like?
Comments 6
Here's a more rugged look for him. After my initial drool, I realized he was perhaps too pretty:
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You know Heroes is a show I actually wish I did watch. I hear wonderful things about it from some people I work with and the premise of the show sounds pretty interesting.
I hope to catch some of it when it's on summer hiatus. Then again, somehow I never watch any TV during the summer months.
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