What is the name of the song that literally makes you get the fuck up and move, or the song that sends a bolt of electricity down your spine chilling the nerves as it goes
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List up to 5 of your all time favourite comic book Supervillans. Here's a hall of Fame for the less geeky. just need a name of who they are V's who was the good guy. Cheers
Both Nay and Em beat me to it :( (so instead I'll make it the shiniest :) Happy 21st NAYBY!! Hope you have a wonderful day even though I probably wont see you til tonight.
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Created by naw5689 and taken 25976 times on bzoink! Choose a band/artist and answer only in song TITLES by that band:KornAre you male or female:Mr. RogersDescribe yourself:Am I Going Crazy How do some people feel about you:Freak on a LeashHow do you feel about yourself:Wish You Could Be
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