1. Plays midfield for McKinley's girls soccer team.
2. Can play piano, but not well. She often employs the one handed "hunt and peck" mode of playing.
3. Was dubbed "Kiki" during her toddler years. It stuck; though VERY few people outside of the family are allowed to use it.
4. Is a bit of a nazi when it comes to the car keys. She will go so far as to hide them (sometimes among "girly things"). But as the driver gets to choose the music, she feels totally justified.
5. She has a love of old movies, her top three being Casablanca, Gone with the Wind, and Breakfast at Tiffany's. Casablanca was also her mother's favorite movie.
6. To date, she has had two sets of broken bones -- her right wrist when she was nine (during a particularly enthusiastic game of HummelBall) and very recently her left foot during a soccer game.
7. Occasionally helps out at the garage.
8. While not the chef that other members of her family seem to be, she can make a few things: Mac & Cheese, Snickerdoodles, and Caramel Popcorn. The last one is her "claim to fame".
9. Is the most talkative of the four and has been told once or twice that she "talks enough for all of them". Is also the most hyper.
10. She and her siblings invented HummelBall in second grade. It's a crazy version of kickball that has ever changing rules (think Calvin Ball meets Australian Rules Indoor Quidditch). The only permanent rule to the game is that it's not allowed to plaid indoors -- due to two broken lamps, a broken vase, and a broken television.