Title: He speaks with his eyes
Author: Stolen Childe
Disclaimer: Don’t own ‘em. Kripke and Co. do.
Rating: G
Warnings: Mild Implied Slash, Sam’s POV
Characters: Sam, Dean with mentions of Castiel
Pairing: Inferred Dean/Castiel
Word Count: 200
Spoilers: Vague 1-7 (to be safe)
Summary: Dean doesn’t say things.
Author’s Notes: Um… I don’t know. I guess this is a bit of a saving Dean Winchester fic, considering responses to how his character has been lately. Just my take on Dean’s body-language. Also a bit of an experimental style. I don’t usually write outsider POV, first person POV or Sam POV so I guess it’s a lot of experimenting. Please enjoy. Comments are loved and cherished.
He speaks with his eyes
He speaks with his eyes, his actions, his body, his gestures - never his words.
When he speaks, you have to listen or you’ll miss it. When he speaks he comes across as gruff, perhaps uncouth and maybe and little ignorant but he’s probably the most intelligent person I know.
When he speaks in whichever way he chooses to speak, he says so much more than he’s saying. He means so much more than he means. When he speaks, he fools everyone. When he speaks he doesn’t fool anyone more than he fools himself.
I’ve watched my brother with his angel for the past three years. I’ve seen the distrust, the warmth, the elation, the sadness and most of all, I’ve seen the heartbreak.
My brother’s heart was shattered by betrayal but I’m not sure if he’ll ever see it. My brother’s heart is broken and I can’t help.
Dean Winchester’s heart is broken though he’ll never admit it.
That’s the truth here.
That’s the truth this year.
I wish I could make my brother see that he was in love.
I wish I could make my brother see how he speaks with his eyes, his actions, his body, his gestures - but I can’t.