Amazing! I don't know how to describe it really, but I love the tones in your black and white. There's a lovely, smooth progression from dark to light and a ton of awesome in-between grey.
DUUUUUUUDE, YOUR LIGHTING IS UH-MAYYYYYYYYYYY-ZING! I love how everything's lit gorgeously but not overly bright. I'm having a huge time keeping the contrsat in my icons from getting to the blinding point. Do you have any pointers you could share about how you balance contrast and get such fantastic light, like in 1, 3, 8, or 15? Your batch seriously makes me wanna try Sons of Anarchy again. I began the pilot last year and then just got lazy and never even finished it. Anyway, the Fantastic Mr fox icons are adorably bright and cute. I adore the text in 25 with the orange border right next to it and the wide open neg space in 27!
Man, now I hope I'll have the energy to change up lots of my icons. I'm almost done with my batch, but your tips could help a lot, so I'll try to incorporate them into re-working my stuff. Thank you SO MUCH for the details and the screencap! :)
Yea it's really surprising to see how much a strong gaussian blur on a layer can change your icon. It's almost as good as any "lighting" texture. I'd love to see what you come up with!
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