Title: Drowning Pairing: Jack/Shannon Rating: Mild R Warnings: Angsty and one of the vaguest sex scenes you'll ever find Disclaimer: Not mine Author's Note: Thanks to
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:) Thank you so much! I love everything about these two together and I wish there were more Jack/Shannon fics in the world. Thanks again! And I know I'm a little behind because I'm just now getting in to livejournal, but I love your Jack/Shannon stories, you should definitely come back to those two.
She hopes he can’t feel the question in her trembling hand as she lightly traces the latest scar running along his jaw, hopes against all odds that he can understand that the only thing she can do to help him is to offer him this last little piece of herself that she has managed to hold onto.
and even if no, I am not a jack!whore *shock ;) *, I love seeing that he's getting his confidence back, even if it's so sad to see that Shannon is slowly crumbling in the meanwhile.
:) I'm so glad you liked this, even if you're not a jack whore! Broken Jack broke my heart and I wish they hadn't killed Shannon so she could help him pick up the pieces. I'm so pleased you like this, thanks so much for reviewing!
Here because I've seen you recced on so many journals and because I loved "Red Velvet Cake" so much.
I love Jack/Shannon and there's never enough of it on LJ, so I thank you for this. You get into Shannon's head SO well I'm left nearly speechless.
But every night when he comes to her she can’t stop herself from clinging to him a little tighter, trying to pour a little more of herself into him in exchange for everything she takes. Now that he’s strong enough to stand on his own two feet and still support someone else she can see Kate’s desire growing for him a little more every day and she’s just waiting for the day he leaves her for someone he actually has a chance to save.
I love that part especially.
Can't wait to see more from you. This was excellent!
*blushes* I kinda went a little overboard when I posted this because I wasn't really sure which community would work best, but I'm glad you found your way here. I know elise_509 recced it at her journal (thanks babe!) but if you saw it on anyone else's, please let me know so I can thank them! And thank you so much for commenting on this, I'm so glad you liked it! I was a little worried about keeping them both in character since it was my first Lost fic, and I'm so pleased you think I did well with Shannon. Thanks again for commenting, for this and for Red Velvet Cake.
This is heartbreaking and just so lovely! I adore all the water/drowning references in this - it's such a powerful metaphor and completely fitting for Shannon. Again, really well done :-)
Thank you! I always love your Jack/Shannon stories and I'm so glad you enjoyed this as well. Thank you so much for reviewing and I hope you come back to these two soon.
Comments 18
She hopes he can’t feel the question in her trembling hand as she lightly traces the latest scar running along his jaw, hopes against all odds that he can understand that the only thing she can do to help him is to offer him this last little piece of herself that she has managed to hold onto.
and even if no, I am not a jack!whore *shock ;) *, I love seeing that he's getting his confidence back, even if it's so sad to see that Shannon is slowly crumbling in the meanwhile.
loved it! please keep writing!
I love Jack/Shannon and there's never enough of it on LJ, so I thank you for this. You get into Shannon's head SO well I'm left nearly speechless.
But every night when he comes to her she can’t stop herself from clinging to him a little tighter, trying to pour a little more of herself into him in exchange for everything she takes. Now that he’s strong enough to stand on his own two feet and still support someone else she can see Kate’s desire growing for him a little more every day and she’s just waiting for the day he leaves her for someone he actually has a chance to save.
I love that part especially.
Can't wait to see more from you. This was excellent!
This is heartbreaking and just so lovely! I adore all the water/drowning references in this - it's such a powerful metaphor and completely fitting for Shannon. Again, really well done :-)
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