Name: Kitchel
Age: Unknown, prolly late teens, early 20's
Hair: Pink (and/or orange, but I'm going with pink)
Eyes: See above
Height: N/A
Weight: N/A
Bloodtype: N/A
Medical info: Nothing out of the ordinary! :3
Physical Traits: Tall, slim, pretty fit, very energetic. Apparently wants to regain her tan.
What's Okay to Mention: Pretty much everything. Don't mention treasure, though, unless you want your ears talked off.
(What's Not Okay to Mention:) Nothing, really. If you get too down on yourself/her, she'll probably chew you out, but nothing drastic.
Notes For the Psychics: Tetheus = Yummy.
Hugging/Kissing/Nicknaming: She'll probably hug you first. The kissing might freak her out some, though. She doesn't actually go by any nicknames, but wouldn't mind.
Maiming/Killing/Death: She has no special powers, so it should be easy enough. She's oddly lucky, though, so it's harder than it has any right to be. Chances are that she'll end up perfectly okay (and quite possibly oblivious to any attempt).
Other facts: Scared of ghosts/spirits/specters, with one exception. Not fond of the undead, although they quickly lose their scare factor for her. Enjoys the chase.