Amusing little video about celebs and plastic surgery, set to the perfect tune. Some of the pictures look like the angle/hairdye has changed their face, but the Posh 'these are my breasts really' Spice photos are genius.
Worksafe. Doesn't need sound, but vastly improved with it.
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Comments 6
One of the things that struck me most about the Paris Hilton prison thing was how much better she looked slap-free, coming out of prison. There's actually quite a pretty woman underneath all that crap.
Of course, she's gone straight back to the drag queen makeup and cheap hair extensions. Shame.
Don't knock it! I swear by both of these things!
Then you have people having time-delay surgery; some better than others [See Madonna for good, Victoria Principal for bad]
And then there's Posh, bless her, with her self-inflating liferaft for a chest.
In some cases I don't think they've had surgery at all, but good dental work and a hair colour/makeup revamp.
The song is ace :)
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