
Apr 19, 2012 07:55

Been having the week of non-stoppedness! I am so. tired! Everything has just been go go go, at home and at work. I have Tuesday and Wednesday off, as we have to use up this year's holiday by the end of April or we lose it - so no complaints here ( Read more... )

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Comments 5

ungulata April 19 2012, 10:36:11 UTC
Do what you love and don't let outside influences, like "the market", carry the carrot that drives the horse. Be your own carrot. ^_^ Also, it's good to have a lot of (insert product here) at all times.

Sanderson usually has finished his novels a year before they are released, lots of time for revisions, less pressure, keeps releases regular and fresh even if he hits a snafu while writing.

When I worked in a photostock agency, we would not consider anyone unless their first submission contained several thousand viable images.

A large body of work makes it easier for an agent/gallery/client to evaluate style, themes and consistency. My parents have been buying paintings for the last few years (they must be running out of wall space by now) and even if they like one particular painting, if they don't like the rest of the works by the artist they'll probably not buy it.

That said, I find it hard to be my own carrot in most things. 8^D


stonelizard April 21 2012, 10:38:21 UTC
Thanks hon! I am teaching myself that it is not a sprint, it is a marathon. I am enjoying the trip, and that is what matters. It's rather exiting to think that what I do now may be awesome in ten years time. As to my novels - well, still hoping to do two a year, but with the art - we will see :)

I ddin't know you worked for a photostock place, what was that like?


ungulata April 22 2012, 21:57:53 UTC
I worked for Valan Photos in the late '80's. It was interesting. Each type of use and each client required a different treatment. You had to have an idea of what they'd bought and used in the past to second-guess what it was exactly that they were looking for. Because Valan was a very small photostock agency (hundreds of thousands of images, one boss, two full time employees and one part time), we stood out by the quality of our image selections. We also specialized in nature photography ( ... )


willowtreedance April 20 2012, 01:19:12 UTC
Hopefully you can do your art and keep your law work too. Love to see a sample of your artwork... :-)


stonelizard April 21 2012, 10:38:47 UTC
That's the hope!

No samples yet ;) Not comfortable with the levels yet - give me six months ;)


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