[1]Name: Mariel
[2]Nickname(s): Motty
[3]Age& birthday: 18 08/23/87
[4]Where you from: Miami, but I got to school in Orlando
[5]Any piercing's or tatt's? Where at?: piercings 9 : 3 in my left ear, 4 in my right ear,1 in my right cartilage, and 1 in my belly. I had my nose but I took it out. Tatttoos : 3 an M on my right hippish area, a faory on my left hippish area, and a fairy with stars on my lower back
[6]Single or taken?: taken
[7]Do you smoke ciggarettes? What kind?: Camel Turkish Gold
[8]Movies: The Nightmare before Christmas, The Breakfast Club, The Rocky Horror Picture Show, Spun, Napoleon Dynamite, Spun, Run Lola Run,Requiem for a Dream and West Side Story
[9]Music artists: Mindless Self Indulgence, System of a Down, Modest Mouse, Portishead, Sneaker Pimps, Sublime, Incubus,Lucky Boys Confusion, Sugarcult, Taking Back Sunday
[10]Books: 100 Years of Solitude, Memoirs of a Giesha, Flowers in the Attic, Ender's Game, The Perks of Being a Wallflower, anything by Ann Rice
[11]Type of weed: purple haze
[12]Way to smoke: either out of a water bong or glass pipe. vaporizers are really good too though
[13]Place to smoke: used to be in my room back in Miami, in Orlando friends apartments
[14]Color: purple and pink
[15]Munchies: french onion dip and chips, hummus and pita, gusers, and oreo thin crisps
[16]Legalization of Marijuana: I'm for it, I'd love ot see the day where you can go to a gas station and buy a pack of joints. If not then I think it should at least be decriminalized. [17]President George W. Bush: I'm very againbst his actions and ways of thinking, that's really all I want to say about him
[18]Abortion: I personally don't think I would have one, but I believe that as a woman I should be the one to make that descion.
[19]Gay marriage: if peopel love each other they should be allowed ot get married regarless of their sexual perefernce
[20]Self mutilation: I struggled with cutting for a logn time so I know understand why peopel do it, but there are alot better ways to let out emotions and express anger than self mutilation
[21]Smoking Ciggarettes: i smoke ciggarettes, I'm tryign to cut back right now, its a bad habit to have, but to each his own
[22]What was your first time being high like? Where were you?: It was great, I was in my boyfriends backyard, then we went ot his living room and I had a conversation in my head and I got mad at him for not answering me. [23]How much do you usually smoke?: It used to be everyday like an 8th of crip a week, but now I've slowed down
[24]Are you high right now?: I wish
[25]If not, when was the last time you were?: Saturday night
[26]How long have you been smoking?: Regulary for about 2 years
[27]How many& what drugs HAVE you really taken?: I've experiemnted with alot fo shit in the past: shrooms,acid, 2ci,vicodim, valum,percocet, oxycottin, adderal,coke,whippets, escasty. But now its mainly just pot, shrooms, and whippets
[28]If you could smoke with anyone, who would it be with and why?: steven lynch, i just think getting high with him would be hilarious
[29]Pictures of you(don't get carried away )" alt="Image hosted by" /> Me high after eatign a blue lolipop" alt="Image hosted by" />" alt="Image hosted by" />" alt="Image hosted by" />
[30]Picture(s) of your smoking devices:" alt="Image hosted by" />
Old broken piece" alt="Image hosted by" /> New Herbert
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