ok so people have been giveing sam crap for saying "sell out" i'm going to sum up a large artical in rollingstones mag. that was published last year
pretty much it pointed out how in the early 90's a few crapy punk rock bands made it big (greenday, blink 182) and it was origanl, there full hitting it big. however it became a fashion statement and clear chanel (who pretty much owns everything radio station like lazer and kiss) milked it for all its worth and refused to put anything on the radio that was cookie cutter and sure to make tons of money.
so now most bands are stuck with two choices, be cookie cutter or have a hard ass time makeing it on the radio. bands like led zep or pink floyd or any other band that started something that has never been done before wouldn't get a second look in todays music world.
bands like fall out boy, the used, and good charlette all took the money path and non of them would dare try somthing new for fear of not makeing thousands of dollers from "punks" who use their music as a fashion statment.
so in short, yes sam is right when he calls alot of new bands sell outs because they are pretty much doing what they know will give them the fat check from the killer of music, clear channel.
(if u want to read the real artical i'm sure rollingstones mag. has it on their website somewhere)