...I like bandwagoning when I should be asleep!
1. Contact information: Unless I'm at work, I am on IRC whenever I'm available for RPing, usually under Hisoka's nick because I'm used to it. XD; I also have AIM, although I'm sometimes too lazy to sign on. My main sn is lochnessasaur, although I may occasionally use sugarismypoison. I also get email alerts, so I'm available that way too, if you don't feel like using IRC or AIM. Just take either of my AIM sns at gmail.com (I am uncreative yeay). I'm also up for Gchat if I'm at work and can't use IRC or AIM, which is another way you can contact me! :D
2. Timezones/Availability: I'm currently on the West Coast, which makes me PST (or EST -3). Since I have a fairly regular sleep schedule, this usually means I'm usually available anywhere from 9am-midnight, give or take a few hours for sleeping or late night threading. This fall I'll be going to school on the East Coast though, so I'm not sure how that'll affect my schedule. >: I'll try to update this post when I start school and therefore know my schedule better, which is in September.
3.Comments/threads/dropping stuff/who I'll play with: I WILL PLAY WITH ANYONE AND EVERYONE. Srsly. The YnM cast has been getting kind of big but I don't think I've been doing anything clique-ish? I hope? >: TELL ME IF I AM so I can fix it. And ironically enough, Akane's probably interacted more with non-Ranma people hahah whoops. I tend not to jump other people's comments because I am paranoid and think it will annoy people, but I seriously don't mind it when people jump my threads. In fact, please do it. Feel free to be like "dude your hair sucks" to Hisoka or Akane or anything, because I love interacting with more people. :D
I have comment notifications on, which theroretically means I shouldn't drop threads. I'm usually slow if I just posted and lots of people replied, but I do my best not to neglect anyone! And if I have forgotten you, feel free to prod me OOCly and watch me go "D'OH." I also do my best not to drop threads without warning, although I occasionally do if I'm utterly braindead and can't think of anything to say. If you want to continue, feel free to poke me about it and I'll try to think of something to say. And if you think I'm boring, you can also tell me "stfu I'm going to drop our thread k" and I'll be fine with it. 8D I'm also totally okay with picking up threads the next day if one of us has to go to sleep or something; just reply whenever and poke me if it looks like I haven't noticed.
4. Concrit: I do not bite, so feel free to tell me anything, especially if you think I suck and want to concrit me. I post at
cfud_daily every week, but if you don't want to reply there, I get comment notifications so you can reply to this post or any post of mine really and I should hopefully notice! As a word of warning though, my essays are often very rambly, especially if I'm doing them late at night (case in point: this post).
5. Apps: I'm not the best beta out there, but I'll be more than happy to look over an app and try to give it the best suggestions I can. I'm probably better at grammar/spelling more than overall funny, but I'll do my best. I'll beta for any canon, just email it to me! And don't worry about me recognizing emails, since I have the memory of a goldfish and don't know 99% of the players' emails anyway.
I think that's it~ ♥
...oh, and for locked stuff for Hisoka (because Akane has no secrets lolz)? General rule of thumb is: talking about magic in general is okay, stuff like being a Shinigami, empathy, anything about his past should be locked. And if you want to do something you think I might not be okay with, just ask! I'm easy and will probably agree as long as it isn't going to cause horrible emo or something. :D