gunofadeadman and YOU!
What: John's been enjoying the 'shoot the target' games on the planet. But they keep giving him huge stuffed animals as prizes. RANDOM PASSER-BY, WOULD YOU LIKE A HUGE STUFFED ANIMAL?
When: Today!
Where: Down on the planet!
Warnings: None.
[He wouldn't have called it a fool thing for him to participate in. After all, the planet was nothing but rides and attractions, so who was he to decline one of those 'carnival games' or two? It had been something silly, really. A bunch of moving targets with bright, painted bulls-eyes slapped on, and he was supposed to hit them with something reminiscent of a cheap B.B. gun.
Given John Marston's history, he possibly could have done it with his eyes closed.
It was all for fun, of course. (And partly due to boredom.) And he looked satisfied enough until the alien attending the stand excitedly tossed a huge stuffed animal into his arms as a prize for his excellent marksmanship. The damn thing was nearly as big as him.
Now he just felt silly.
So the cowboy currently walks around holding the gigantic fluffy thing, gazing around the crowd for someone to take it off his hands. Surely someone out there would want it.]