Who: An
deansangel918 and another
What: Salvaging a friendship after
an argument last month.
When: Evening
Where: The bar at Lux.
Warnings: Cas being Cas. Gin being Gin. High probability of alcohol consumption.
[Castiel appears in a hallway near Lux. He stands there for a few minutes, considering his next move carefully. He knows what he needs to do, but he's still uncomfortable with it.
It's been a month since his argument with Gin, and he hasn't seen the other angel since then. Looking back now, Castiel isn't proud of his behavior that day. He'd been angry and frustrated with Dean's disappearance, and he'd lashed out at Gin. Granted, Gin's behavior wasn't entirely blameless, but Castiel had been the one to escalate the argument until they were shouting at each other.
That meant he had to be the one to apologize.
Taking a steadying (and entirely unnecessary) breath, Castiel walks up to the door of Lux and pushes it open. Once inside he heads directly to the bar.]