Dec 19, 2010 12:15

Who: nostray and pilot_zero_two
What: Two roommates finally meet
When: Eh...end of November. A little while after Duo got back from being Lost In Space. 8);
Where: 4-2
Warnings: Hideousness. Shower shenannigans. Nekkid Duo.

[He's never been so happy to see 4-2. Being lost in space for nearly a month will do that to a guy. All he wants from life right now is to brush his hair with his hairbrush, shower in a shower half-clogged with his hair (although after a month most of the hair in the drain will probably be Katsura's...but that's okay, he likes Katsura, so he doesn't mind), and sleep in what he had finally come to think of as his bed. For at least twenty hours. More if he could swing it.]

[Never one to worry overmuch about ~*privacy*~, Duo doesn't bother latching the bathroom door shut - he pulls off his shirt first thing and unbraids his hair. His hairbrush is right where he left it (he's got some seriously awesome roommates) and gets to work. The braid actually prevents tangles from forming, so he doesn't have to spend too long on his hair. Once it's brushed to his satisfaction, he returns the brush to its spot, gets the shower running, and shimmies out of the rest of his clothes. With a sigh of relief, he finally slides in under the hot water.]

abarai renji, duo maxwell

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