(no subject)

Jan 01, 2011 19:08

Who: a_guillotine, spnfulofsugar, aaaand feel free to log-crash. This especially applies to the garden's residents who may feel like Justin's noisiness is a bit intrusive.
What: Belated gift exchange
When: A lot later than it should have been!
Where: Garden of the Seasons
Warnings: None.

Justin stepped into the garden quite awestruck by the variety of foliage thriving within this place. He had yet to see anything quite like this upon Thor-and rarely anywhere else! He arrived at the beckoning of Medicine, having received a message from her earlier in the day.

He proceeded into the garden, holding something wrapped in plain brown packaging paper. He gazed silently across the landscape, observing the splendor of these flowers. However, he has yet to see Medicine-or any other sign of another person, for that matter. Justin spoke up, a bit louder than he probably should have: his voice echoed onward throughout the garden.


medicine melancholy, justin law, yuuka kazami

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