In Which Riku Ruined All of the Things [ OPEN ]

Feb 26, 2011 01:16

Who: duelkeys & ANYONE, please!
What: Riku's pretty much spilled the beans on Roxas' merging with Sora. Why would he be taking this well at all? Poor kid needs some comfort.
When: After his network post
Where: Some corridor, tucked away
Warnings: You know... I am not sure. He's not predictable at the moment! :Da

[ this is one of the things that he hadn't really wanted to know. it just had sort of happened. maybe Riku hadn't meant to say all of that. maybe he did. Roxas doesn't know and he doesn't care. the damage had been done. beyond this place, he's meant to become with with Sora. apparently he had done so willingly.

it's enough to shake him up entirely. before he could have focused on everything else but this.... he had even called down a bit after talking to his friends about the other stuff. but now? now....

what does he really have?

he doesn't know how to describe the feeling of loss that's going through his system. to understand that he can't keep his promise back in their world is one thing. Roxas can make that up here and he knows that. he understands that. but to be told that eventually he isn't even meant to be is just too much. it's like facing death without the possibility of coming back to life. this is a hard concept for Roxas to deal with and he's not even fully aware that he's handling such a heavy weight. all he knows that it's all wrong.

it's not supposed to be this way.

naturally after turning off the Guide, he runs off. the first place is the arcade where he takes out all his frustration on everything he can get his hands on. there goes about half of month's worth of earnings right there, not that he hadn't been saving up anyway. from there, once all his energy and anger is gone, Roxas retreats into one of the corridors of the ship. he doesn't really know where, not that it matters.

he just wants to get away from it all. that's why he's on the floor, tucked away. hiding his head in his arms and curled up all on himself.

it's not supposed to have turned out like that...

this is all that he can focus on and it hurts more than anything he's ever known. ]

axel, xion, roxas

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