Title: Falling Up
Fandom/characters: Private Practice, Violet/Cooper with a healthy helping of Pete
Rating: PG13
Word count: 3120
Spoilers: All episodes. Post-2x2.
Notes: Three and a half hours ago, I spontaneously started writing this fic and I didn't stop. I love it when that happens. I also had a ball writing Pete.
Whatever he expected to see, it was not a frazzled-looking Violet Turner with one hand raised mid-pound and the other swiping ferociously at watery eyes. )
Comments 27
It is just so, so perfect. Cooper's argument about why he was in love with Violet but thought he was in love with Charlotte was totally spot-on, and very much where I hope the show takes this!
And Pete was perfect, and I loved Violet kissing him but him stopping her. Poor Violet, I'm so glad she talked to Pete! Her repeating how stupid she was was excellent.
Basically, this was amazing and gorgeous and wonderful! And I want to see it happen on the show!
But anyway, thank you so much for your lovely comment. ♥! I'm really glad Cooper's explanation made sense to you, because that was easily the most challenging part to write. I reeeeally wanted a happy ending but that meant somehow justifying Cooper's breaking up with Charlotte sometime after we saw them together but before the next morning, which made my brain do a wrinkly-face.
Aaaaaalso I know we still need to have commentary-watching, part three! This week is difficult, but I'll keep writing notes to myself and you should keep nagging me, and then it will happen. Pinky swear.
You did a fantastic job explaining Cooper's motivation - it was completely believable!
Definitely need a commentary session soon! Let me know when you're free and I'll keep poking you :D
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