fic: Firefly; Zoe

Sep 12, 2009 14:08

Title: under billowing sky
Fandom: Firefly. Zoe.
Spoilers: Through Serenity. The movie, not the episode.
Word count: 371
Notes: Written for prlrocks for the whedonland fic fest; inspired by her prompts "need to rest" and "the ocean". Title from Laura Marling's song "The Captain and the Hourglass".

+ )

fanfic: i wrote some, community: whedonland, fandom: firefly

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Comments 24

snapplesons September 12 2009, 21:39:15 UTC
Oh gosh. Poor Zoe. This was wonderful, Dizzy. It's been a long time since I've watched Serenity, but you've brought back all those sad and nearly unbearable feelings after watching Wash die. This was just beautiful.♥


stop_theworld September 12 2009, 22:18:33 UTC
Thank you, Ollie. ♥ Wash's death is probably not something I'll ever get over.


cmk418 September 12 2009, 22:21:36 UTC
Lovely. I love how you captured Zoe here and the imagery throughout. Well done!


stop_theworld September 15 2009, 23:55:06 UTC
Thank you!


severuslovesme September 13 2009, 04:18:28 UTC
This is absolutely gorgeous! I love the way you've woven the in the imagery throughout, and the idea of the ocean crying for Wash is really lovely.

And Mal taking care of Zoe makes me happy!

<<333 this and you!


stop_theworld September 15 2009, 23:56:19 UTC
Thank you! I always love your comments. ♥ How are you? Let's actually talk soon and I promise not to disappear this time! I miss you.


severuslovesme September 18 2009, 03:35:29 UTC
I'm good! How are you?? I miss you too! What's your schedule like for the next few days? I'd love to skype chat sometime soon! :D


stop_theworld September 18 2009, 23:01:26 UTC
I am good, too! I adore my classes, so that's always good. My schedule is stressful in terms of work, but not in terms of specific commitments, so yes please to talking! However, in skimming my flist I noticed you have a wedding? So maybe not so much this weekend for you? Let me know!


hihoplastic September 13 2009, 12:39:31 UTC
Oh, this is absolutely stunning. I'm having a very difficult time articulating how gorgeous it is. But it is.

And this: (Every day a lesson, three, five; every second a readjustment, new angles, new words; new words like widow like childless like buried; bodies in the earth and not in the air; take a preacher and a pilot and what do you get, and what is grief to the power of x when x is the number of minutes she’s managed not to shatter?)

And the ending line. Perfect.


stop_theworld September 15 2009, 23:57:07 UTC
Thank you so much, Catherine!


sarahetc September 13 2009, 15:33:47 UTC
I'm having a hard time articulating my reaction to this, because it is so powerful. I hate to be crude, but reading this:

(Every day a lesson, three, five; every second a readjustment, new angles, new words; new words like widow like childless like buried; bodies in the earth and not in the air; take a preacher and a pilot and what do you get, and what is grief to the power of x when x is the number of minutes she’s managed not to shatter?)

Made me think, "Oh jesus. Oh holy shit."

This is incredibly moving and powerful. Take a preacher and a pilot.

that Wash belonged, belongs, in the sky and that now, the sky will always be empty

Gorgeous. Gorgeous. I just want to say it over and over again. It describes how I've felt about it for years now. That the sky is not the same and Zoe's relationship to the sky is not the same. Gorgeous.

Pain has a way of replenishing itself, but so does she.


I have to go tell everyone I ever met to read this now.


stop_theworld September 15 2009, 23:58:44 UTC
Oh wow, thank you so much. What wonderful feedback. Your words (and rec!) completely made my day. I'm so glad this fic was powerful for you. <3


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