Just ignore this

Jun 24, 2007 22:43

It's for anime-lj-tcg~


6/25 -- Received sky01, sea09, pluto18, hell18, hammer 18, fomicry17, fomicry14, fomicry09, nymph13 and archer19 for joining.
+Received pluto18 and pride14 for game: Guess the Character round 01
+Traded pluto18 and hell 18 for fomicry06 and fomicry18 with haruhara ♥♥
+Traded pride14 for ashes05 with illulia
+Received moon04, light17, and martyr15 for game: Guess the Manga round 01
+Received archer13 and mercury11 for game: Happy Birthday round 01
+Received pizza13 and hymn12 for game: Guess the Character round 01

6/26 -- Traded light17 for archer01 with princessaxel
+Trade pending: sea09 for archer 12 with songokuu

6/27 -- Traded sky01 for fomicry02 with ainbthen
+Traded nymph13 for score05 with rosie_b
+Traded martyr15 for light05 with kranna_tiki
+Traded sea09 for archer12 with songokuu
+Traded hammer18 for fomicry13 with atrum_furs
+Traded moon04 for hymn19 with stardust_halos

6/28 -- Received mercury08 and fomicry05 from game: Pick a Card round 02
+Received flame06 and shrimp14 from game: Seiyuu Guess round 02
+Received Mascot20 and magus01 from game: Eye Spy round 02
+Trade pending: mercury11 for hammer06 with curiositykate

6/29 -- Traded mercury08 and mercury11 for hammer06 and witch09 with curiositykate
+Traded flame06 for ashes 09 with replica
+Trade pending: hymn12 and hymn19 for fomicry07 and fomicry11 with whitecarousel


7/2 -- Received thief01, camelot03, and android19 from new decks.
+Received brittania08 for game: Freebie round 01
+Traded hymn 12 and hymn19 for fomicry07 and fomicry11 with whitecarousel

7/3 -- Received archer07, moon18, chibi02, martyr12, neophyte02, mentor02, and thief13 from game: Scrambler, round 02
+Received camelot14 from game: Anime Trivia 03
+Received military10 from game: Happy Birthday 03
+Traded android19 for fomicry 08 with aikodestiny
+Received traitor04 and fire18 for game: Guess the Anime round 02
+Traded pizza13 for ashes17 with paper_moth
+Traded moon18 for fomicry03 with haruhara ♥♥
+Received pizza13 and fomicry16 from game: Guess the OP round 02
+Traded mascot20 for archer11 with ignored_tears
+Traded fire18 for brittania14 with coolbou
+Traded camelot03 for fomicry19 with online

7/4 -- Traded mentor12 for suit14 with ainbthen
+Received traitor18 and windom02 for game: Guess the Manga round 02

7/6 -- Traded archer13 for fomicry20 with replica
+Received venus12, zen06, and neptune08 for game: Pick a Card round 03
+Traded chibi02 for ashes02 with haruhara ♥♥
+Traded thief01 and thief13 for suit20 and replica19 with lazuliprince

7/7 -- Received hound03, doctor18, cleaver10, tattoo09, and king01 from new decks
+Traded tattoo09 for doctor03 with ainbthen
+Traded cleaver10 for doctor13 with ninjaxalchemist
+Traded light05 for doctor15 with beatrix101
+Traded neptune08 for ashes02 with eraine
+Traded zen06 for ashes08 with kimivalkyrie

7/8 -- Traded shrimp14 and military10 for brittania10 with and mascot10 amano_rei ♥♥
+Received saturn09 for game: Matching round03
+Received doctor06, and military03 for game: Scrambler round 03

7/9 -- Traded hound03 for fomicry04 with doublelift ♥♥
+Received fomicry05 and fomicry10 for game: Scrambler round 01
+Traded saturn09 for ashes03 with lost_my_music

7/10 -- Traded military03 for brittania01 with m_a_foxfire
+Received neptune15 and protect20 from game: Guess the Character round 03
+Received flame19 and fomicry12 from game: Laundry Basket round 04
+Received delicious10 from game: Happy Birthday round 04
+Traded neptune15 and protect20 for brittania06 with lost_my_music
+Traded delicious10 for neophyte07 with replica

7/11 -- Received boo12 from game: Anime Trivia round 04

7/12 -- Traded magus01 for ashes04 with kaleidorudy
+Received boku19, cards01, and usagi07 from game: Guess the Manga round 03
+Gave flame19 to amano_rei ♥♥
+Received innocence06, gif17, sweets09, revenge07, oedipus20, BK201-20, alien06, and ruse20 from new decks
+Received boo08 and ice 08 for game: Eye Spy round 04
+Gave alien06 to haruhara♥♥

7/13 -- Traded hammer06 for sweets11 with lazuliprince
+Traded ashes04 for fomicry15 with kimivalkyrie
+Received nobody20, yeshua08, faith03, boku06, pyo12, suit01, and ruse06 for game: Scrambler round 04
+Traded yeshua08 for bk201-17 with toritoma
+Traded neophyte02 for revenge16 and ashes07 with kranna_tiki
+Traded traitor18 for oedipus09 with setentia
+Traded archer11 for doctor01 with spiralheaven
+Traded usagi07 for blast01 with doublelift ♥♥
+Traded oedipus20, boo08, and replica19 for ashes01, ashes06, and ashes11 with vocalnomiko ♥!
+Traded doctor06 for ashes16 with thepotatofamine
+Received ashes10, ashes18, resolve08, poison15, novel10, reality12, and a nifty badge for mastering Fomicry!
+Received god04 and usagi03 for game: Seiyuu Guess round 04
+Traded ruse06 and usagi03 for brittania18 with phantoms_angel_
+Traded suit14 for brittania03 with blue-fox-girl
+Traded windom02 for sweets10 with mifuui
+Traded mascot10 for replica19 with ekoko
+Traded boku19 for bk201-16 with haruhara

7/14 --Traded archer19 for oedipus07 with spiralheaven
+Traded camelot14 for oedipus15 with princessaxel
+Traded nobody20 for revenge12 with phillipwnd

7/16 -- Traded innocence06 for doctor09 and doctor10 with lazuliprince
+Traded poison15 and boku06 for bk201-03 and bk201-88 with toritoma
+Traded book13, reality12, replica17, and venus12 for britannia05 and brittania17 with inflict
+Traded sweets11 for bk201-08 with coffinbreak
+Received brittania16 from Card Graveyard
+Traded pluto18 for harp14 in game: Card Pot, round 03
+Received 667-07 and revenge13 from game: Freebie round 03
+Traded pyo12 and boo12 for brittania13 with princessaxel
+Received 669-08, nyo06, and poison11 from game: Guess the Mascot, round 03

7/17 -- Traded novel10 for boo10 with parttime_job
+Traded god04 and hymn19 for brittania07 with maia_cyllene
+Received ashes20, whimsy10, and shrimp07 from Card Exchange [for archer01, archer07, archer12, cards01, faith03, king01]
+Received dna12 for game: Anime Trivia round 05
+Received harp15 and class22 for game: Happy Birthday round 05
+Traded nyo06 for novel05 with haruhara

7/18 -- Traded oedipus07 and oedipus09 for doctor14 and oedipus20 with yugisgirl1

+7/19 -- Received class16, flame01, and ashes04 from game: Distorted round 05
+Received boots16 and class33 from game: Seiyuu Guess round 05
+Received ashes12, novel05, and replica10 from game: Laundry Basket round04
+Traded novel05 for oha15 with lost_my_music
+Traded whimsy10 for ashes14 and ashes15 with faithy_with_a_k ♥♥
+Traded flame01 for sitar20 with amano_rei ♥♥
+Received class12, dna18, and poison12 from game: Pick a Card round 05

7/20 -- Traded boots16 for doctor05 with spiralheaven
+Received ashes19 from faithy-with-a-k ♥♥

7/21 -- Traded sweets10 for ashes13 with aacdeln
=Mastered Ashes

7/25 -- Received cake01, colors02, blast13, and ashes13 for mastering Ashes

7/27 -- Traded DNA18 for Class13 with lilikoifish

7/29 -- Received blitz07, pyro16, and child13 from game: Happy Birthday! round 06

7/30 -- Received saru18, elf09, book07, hell05, and a bronze choice certificate from game: Boobs, Butt, or Shoulder, round 03
+Received magus14 from game: Anime Trivia, round 06

7/31 -- Received hope16 and idol10 from game: Guess the Manga round 05
+Received saturn03 and ideals15 for referring faithy_with_a_k


8/1 -- Received child04, child06, ninja09 and ninja17 from giving deck names

8/2 -- Received doll13 from game: Pick a Card, round 06
+Received cards02, chibi07, brazo15, dagger01, ninja12, usagi15, and witch20 from game: Scrambler, round 06

8/3 -- Received moe03, guard08, and a bronze certificate from game: Distorted! round06

8/11 -- Received sweets15 from amano_rei as a gift! ♥♥

8/13 -- Received harp12 and nun10 from game: Happy Birthday! round 08

8/16 -- Received blood04 from game: Eye Spy round 04
+Traded dna12 and replica10 for brittania19 with amano_rei
+Gave blast13 to faithy_with_a_k ♥♥
+Gave ashes13 to aacdeln ♥♥
+Traded hope16 for isolate04 with haruhara
+Traded child04, child06, and ninja17 for BK201-02, doctor19 and hound05 with replica
+Traded sitar20 for sutra09 with haruhara
+Received brittania11 from faithy_with_a_k as a gift! ♥♥
+Traded ninja09 for sweets07 with lilikoifish

8/17 -- Received sweets12 and doctor08 from aacdeln as a gift! ♥♥
+Received truth08, rikka10, rouge15, pirate05, ai16, demon10, and wander06 from new decks
+Traded one bronze certificate for bk201-05
Traded one bronze certificate for bk201-10
+Traded hound05 for blitz04 with doublelift
+Received camelot18, hammer13, and a bronze certificate for game: Distorted! round 08
+Received kappa08 and class03 for game: Freebie round 05
+Traded blitz04 and demon10 for doll14 and revenge15 with alchemism_x

8/18 -- Traded camelot18 for oedipus06 with eclipsed_soul
+Traded hell05 for hound08 with victorisham
+Traded blood04 for ruse14 with lcpdragonslayer
+Received bk201-01, thief02, moon15, class20, and child06 for leveling up
+Traded witch20 for rikka01 with kyliemuffin
+Traded BK201-02 and BK201-08 for brittania13 with froggster ♥ T^T
+Traded blitz07 for BK201-15 with blitzente
+Traded child13 for truth05 with replica
+Traded one bronze certificate for BK201-11
+Traded poison12 for BK201-13 with lysberries
+Traded 669-08 for doll10 with ignored_tears

8/19 -- Traded elf09 and nun10 for brittania12 with tehkev
+Traded idol10 for blast03 with inflict
+Traded doctor03 for BK201-16 with golden_bastet
+Traded thief02 and wander06 for brittania09 with m_a_foxfire
+Traded traitor04 and shrimp07 for brittania04 with get_in_get_out

8/20 -- Traded blast03 for truth18 with faithy_with_a_k
+Traded usagi15 for class26 with whitecarousel

8/21 -- Received mentor16 and ruins18 from game: Happy Birthday! round 09
+Traded class12 and 667-08 for oedipus19 and oedipus16 with angelsanitarium

8/22 -- Received stalk13 and fireball08 for game: Guess the Manga, round 08

8/24 -- Received brittania04, harp12, and book11 from Card Graveyard

8/25 -- Received book08 from game: Eye Spy, round 09

8/26 -- Traded moon15 and ice08 for class06 and crusnik01 with princess-saix
+Received critic14 and torture09 from game: Guess the Anime, round 08

8/27 -- Traded stalk13 for idol04 with haruhara
+Traded book07 and book08 for sitar20 and zero15 with faithy_with_a_k

8/28 -- Traded torture09 for BK201-09 with blitzente
+Traded critic14 for oedipus09 with rikit
+Received critic01 for game: Guess the Character, round 09
+Received one bronze certificate, poison05 and cruxis15 for game: Distorted! round 09
+Traded poison05 and rikka01 for BK201-14 and rikka11 with chrysa
+Received traitor05, windom07, and torture04 for game: Guess the Manga, round 09
+Traded ruse14 for demon10 with amano_rei

8/29 -- Received hound07, loyal10, despair04, pirate01, and one bronze certificate for game: Boobs, Butt, Shoulder, round 05

8/30 -- Traded cruxis01 and sutra09 for brittania02 with aacdeln
+Traded critic01 for sweets03 with mifuui


9/2 -- Received score15 and critic02 from game: Freebie round 06
+Received rikka14 from game: Anime Trivia round 11
+Received brittania15 from game: Guess the Anime round 09

9/3 -- Traded despair04 for doctor04 with deceive

9/4 -- Received doctor20 from faithy_with_a_k as a gift! ♥♥
+Traded child06 and moe02 for sweets11 and sweets16 with zomg_louize

9/5 -- Traded critic02 for book09 with kaleidoruby
+Gave book09 to faithy_with_a_k as a gift

9/8 -- Received charm01, mushi02, ginryuu09, enigma09, pudding09, and prophet10 from news post

9/9 -- Traded mushi02 and prophet10 for oedipus13 and rikka13 with amano_rei
+Received demon18 and torture06 from game: Freebie, round 07
+Received obsession09, chess02, and blast20 from game: Seiyuu Guess round 10/11
+Received suit08 and flirt03 and one bronze certificate from game: Distorted! round 10
+Traded in three bronze certificates for brittania20
=Mastered Brittania
+Received voice01 and guard02 and one bronze certificate from game: Laundry Basket, round 08

9/10 -- Received charm11 from game: Anime Trivia round 12
+Traded magus14 and hound07 for mushi08 and charm09 with insanezero
+Traded blast20 for charm05 with faithy_with_a_k
+Traded doll10 for truth13 with aacdeln
+Traded in one bronze certificate for blast19

9/11 -- Traded windom07 and pudding09 for rouge06 and critic09 with lysberries
+Traded doll14 for charm20 with deceive
+Traded cards02 for demon01 with otakuhaku
+Traded blast19 for charm18 with faithy_with_a_k

9/12 -- Traded doll13 for charm02 with roxora

9/16 -- Traded class13, class20, and class22 for enigma03, enigma10, and enigma12 with nailbat
+Traded ruse20 and saru18 for rouge03 and rouge12 with haruhara
+Traded critic09 for charm19 with inflict
+Traded book11 and sitar20 for charity07 and trap05 with otakuhaku

9/22 -- Received BK201-19 from new post.

9/23 -- Received BK201-06 from aacdeln as a gift! ♥♥
+Traded chess02, ninja12, harp12, and guard02 for doll07, doll08, doll12, and doll 14 with aacdeln
+Received flirt15 from game: Anime Trivia round 14
+Received prince04 and thrust19 from game: Happy Birthday! round 14
+Received oedipus14, BK201-07, and one bronze certificate from game: Laundry Basket round 09
+Received dagger15 and soul03 from game: Guess the Anime round 12
+Traded colors02 for charm10 and ginryuu16 with roxora
+Traded class31 for truth17 with nailbat

9/24 -- Traded in one bronze certificate for BK201-12

9/25 -- Traded traitor05 for moon20 with arsons

9/26 -- Traded ai16, hound08, and trap05 for ice19, theEnd16, and isolate09 with haruhara

9/28 -- Traded revenge16 for doctor17 with blitzente
+Traded flirt15 for charm13 with whitecarousel

9/30 -- Received ramen13 and solar19 for game: Freebie round 08


10/5 -- Traded voice01 for rikka06 with whitecarousel &hearts
+Traded flirt03 for rikka17 with replica
+Received BK201-02, BK201-04, kira05, camelot11, one bronze certificate, and one gold certificate for mastering Brittania.
+Gave camelot11 to haruhara as a gift! ♥♥
+Traded in one bronze certificate for BK201-08.
=Mastered BK201!!

10/6 -- Received charm04, protect20, and camera07 for mastering BK201.

10/7 -- Received poison15 and hell01 from game: Guess the Anime round 14
+Received despair06, idol19, and charm03 for leveling up!
+Received rouge16 from haruhara as a gift! ♥♥
+Traded class26 for charm14 with ririkit
+Traded dagger15 and poison15 for rikka08 and sky19 with temperamental

10/8 -- Received one silver certificate from game: Distorted! round 12
+Received poison16, opera16, mail08, and trap20 from game: Guess the Manga round 11
+Traded poison16 for camelot03 with temperamental
+Traded trap20 and camelot03 for alien02 and cruxis10 with haruhara

10/9 -- Traded pyro16 for truth 01 with shinyalovesdie
+Traded ideals15 for cruxis16 with tardious
+Traded charity07 and chibi07 for ginryuu14 and class29 with faithy_with_a_k

10/14 -- Received tattoo05 and thief17 from game: Happy Birthday! round 16
+Received nankurunaisa07 and one bronze certificate for game: Laundry Basket Round 10
+Received book19 and nobody02 from Card Graveyard
+Traded brazo15, saturn03, brittania04, and suit01 for charm07 and charm14 with Card Exchange

10/15 -- Received nankurunaisa07 from game: Freebie round 09

10/16 -- Traded demon01 and demon10 for class01 and class02 with faithy_with_a_k
+Traded hell01 for book03 with fakelunacy

10/19 -- Traded camera07 and theEND16 for doll01 and oedipus10 with faithy_with_a_k
+Traded alien02 for doctor11 with stardust_halos
+Traded protect20 for oedipus05 with princess-saix
+Traded solar19 for demon12 with babybahamut

10/20 -- Received innocence03 and prophet10 from Card Graveyard

10/21 -- Received hanyou20 and doll08 for game: Guess the Character round 10
+Received hell17 and heaven08 for game: Happy Birthday! round 17
+Received king16, hohe20, and one bronze certificate for game: Laundry Basket round 11
+Traded demon12 and book03 for enigma14 and enigma15 with faithy_with_a_k

10/22 -- Traded in two bronze certificates for charm06 and charm08
+Traded king16 for 667-02 with haruhara
+Received obsession07 for game: Freebie round 10

10/24 -- Traded neophyte07 and oha15 for charm12 in Card Exchange

10/26 -- Traded one silver certificate for pyo03 and pyo05
+Traded prince05, tattoo05, and thrust19 for cruxis13, cruxis15, and doll16 with aacdeln
+Received doll19 from aacdeln as a gift! ♥♥
+Gave pyo03 and pyo05 to aacdeln as a gift! ♥♥
+Traded one gold certificate for whimsy01
+Gave whimsy01 to faithy_with_a_k as a gift! ♥♥
+Received cruxis02 from aacdeln as a gift! ♥♥ [EVEN THOUGH I SAID IT WAS OKAY XD]

10/27 -- Received boar08, cello18, and invidia16 from game: Guess the Manga round 12
+Received cool01 and love09 from game: Distorted! round 13
+Received dog09, bunny20, cake08, baron01, aniki11, enkidu20, strings07, lord14, twins01, onigiri15, wild12, and silent11 from news post!
+Traded dog09 for baron20 with amano_rei
+Traded prophet10 for aniki04 with coolidge
+Traded bunny20 and cake08 for enkidu06 and aniki06 with haruhara
+Traded charm14 for aniki09 with misu
+Traded loyal10 for doctor16 with estilix
+Gave soul03 to maia_cyllene as a gift! ♥♥

10/28 - Traded hanyou20 for crash07 with aikodestiny
+Traded silent11 for enkidu20 with bittering
+Traded zero15 and nankurunaisa07 for book02 with Card Exchange
+Received one gold certificate for game: Pick a Card, round 12
+Traded wild12, onigiri15, and book02 for aniki10, strings13, and oedipus11 with faithy_with_a_k
+Traded heaven08 and ramen13 for aniki17 and baron03 with maiacyllene
+Traded doll08 for aniki07 with aacdeln
+Received cruxis05 from aacdeln as a gift! ♥♥

10/29 - Traded mentor16 for yeshua20 with shurikenuser6
+Gave yeshua20 to aacdeln as a gift! ♥♥
+Received pride15 and sutra20 for game: Guess the Character round 10

10/30 - Traded despair06 for charm15 with skittlestemple
+Traded class12 for doll09 with aacdeln
+Received wild13 and truth09 for game: Anime Trivia round 12
+Received nana01 for game: Happy Birthday! round 18

10/31 - Traded mushi08 for baron13 with amewarashi
+Traded sweets12 for doctor02 with princess_saix


11/1 - Received bunny14 from game: Matching Round 10
+Traded pirate01 for herr01 with haruhara

11/3 - Traded class29 and class33 for dog17 and breast10 with mosqueter
+Gave bunny14 to haruhara as a gift! ♥♥

11/4 - Traded in one silver certificate for charm16 and charm17
=Mastered Charm!
+Traded wild13 and crash07 for aniki05 and doll13 with faithy_with_a_k
+Received avarice14 and PE17 for game: Happy Birthday! round 19
+Received rooster14 for game: Anime Trivia round 19
+Received herr12, wild19, and one bronze certificate for game: Laundry Basket, round 12
+Received herr08 and luxuria20 from game: Guess the Character, round 12
*Received dragon14, protect19, and onigiri03 for game: Guess the Anime, round 17
+Received voice20 and soul12 for game: Distorted! Round 14
+Traded in one gold certificate for howling01
+Received rifle02, witch05, saru09, and emperor10 for game: Pick a Card, round 13
+Gave howling01 to aacdeln as a gift! ♥♥
+Received aniki14 from aacdeln as a gift! ♥♥

11/5 - Traded sky19 for aniki15 with dia_aren_marie
+Traded book19 for cool03 with roxora
+Traded torture06 for baron17 with angelsanitarium
+Received cat20 and onigiri06 from yugisgirl1 ;o; ♥♥
+Gave onigiri03 and onigiri06 to faithy_with_a_k as a gift! ♥♥
+Received sweets14 from faithy_with_a_k as a gift! ♥♥
+Traded soul12 for aniki18 with ignored_tears

11/6 - Traded cello18 for panzer14 with haruhara
+Traded cruxis16 for aniki20 with lilikoifish
+Traded witch05 for rifle01 with shinyalovesdie
+Traded revenge07 for aniki01 with arsons
+Received rikka19 from aacdeln as a gift! ♥♥
+Received acedia05, acedia15, and crash08 from Card Graveyard
+Traded in one bronze certificate for doctor12
+Traded class03, class06, class16, rifle01, and rifle02 for lord04, stoic04, twins09, rikka18, and strings16 with isnotporno
+Traded emperor10 for baron05 with lcpdragonslayer

11/8 - Traded cruxis15 for baron02 with lilikoifish

11/10 - Received flame17 and drill11 from game: Cardwhonkler[?] round 15
+Received aniki19, cook15, and sheep20 for game: Guess the Anime, round 18

11/11 - Traded hohe20 for lord17 with nailbat
+Traded667-02 for helix15 with automode
+Traded dog17 and cook15 for aniki02 and strings20 with ririkit
+Traded cruxis02, cruxis10, and cruxis13 for strings10, plushie02, and majin07 with isnotporno
+Traded saru09 for baron07 with chikky2k5
+Traded guard08, acedia15, and luxuria20 for lord06, aniki03, and drill06 with amano_rei
+Received protect03, hymn07, critic04, coffee14, trap19, license03, enkidu13, and jewel07 for game: Scrambler, round 10
+Traded plushie02 for panzer20 with princessaxel
+Received baron12 and pizza10 from game: Happy Birthday! round 20
+Received reality15 and torture13 and from game: Guess the Character round 12
+Received space17, invidia02, and one bronze certificate from game: Eye Spy, round 13
+Received rouge18, panzer06, and mushi20 from game: Guess the Manga, round 14
+Received wild05 and 669-05 from game: Seiyuu Guess, round 15
+Traded reality15 and space17 for gif19 with haruhara
+Gave wild05 and wild19 to faithy_with_a_k as a gift!! ♥♥
+Received aniki08 from aacdeln as a gift!! ♥♥

11/12 - Received convict06 and AI08 for voting in the Anime Theme Contest 1

11/13 - Traded critic04 for baron18 with roxora
+Traded trap19 for drill19 with cloudxsora

11/14 - Traded dragon14, crash08, and cat20 for enkidu07, rikka09, and helix12 with faithy_with_a_k

11/16 - Received sheep06 and bunny09 from game: Freebie, round 11

11/17 - Traded hymn07 and rooster14 for baron19 and strings05 with lianchini
+Traded one bronze certificate for aniki16
+Traded torture13 for camelot17 with princessaxel
+Received heaven15, cake16, and major01 from game: Guess the Manga, round 16
+Traded doll07 for aniki13 with deceive
+Gave cake16 and camelot17 to haruhara as a gift!! ♥♥
+Traded sheep06 for enkidu18 with parttime_job

11/18 - Received luxuria19 and pizza05 for game: Happy Birthday! round 21
+Received cicada05 and one bronze certificate for game: Laundry Basket, round 13
+Received nana02 for game: Guess the Character, round 13
+Received cow03, hachi17, resolve08, and snake07 for game: Guess the Seiyuu, round 16
+Traded acedia05 and invidia02 for strings12 and herr03 with amani_rei
+Traded poison11 for panzer19 with chaoticchicken
+Traded mushi20 for panzer15 with angelsanitarium
+Traded sweets03 for baron09 with blitzente

11/19 - Traded mail08 and PE17 for baron08 and rikka20 with zethel
+Traded hachi17 for doctor07 with faithy_with_a_k
=Mastered Doctor!
+Traded rouge12 for baron10 with shuinoshina
+Traded cow03 for cow17 with haruhara
+Received drill17 from haruhara as a gift!! ♥♥

11/20 - Traded idol19 and cow17 for switch08 and enkidu09 with kaleidoruby

11/21 - Traded jewel07 for silent06 with duo_aurion
+Received rose17, sinner07, and bunny17 for game: Guess the Anime, round 19

11/22 - Traded coffee14, fireball08, and flame17 for doll11, oedipus03, and oedipus08 with bittering
+Traded switch08 for truth11 with spiralheaven

11/26 - Received herr14 from haruhara as a gift! ♥♥
+Received rose20 from bonus question from bittering..?
+Received clank10 and hell06 from voting in contest 2

11/28 - Traded ai08 to the Card Pot for baron14
+Traded pride15 for cool05 with lucathia_rykatu
+Traded invidia16 for baron15 with duo_aurion
+Traded doll09, doll13, and doll19 for drill12, enkidu01, and twins06 with deceive
+Traded isolate04 and isolate09 for strings11 and herr20 with lysberries
+Gave doll01, doll11, doll12, and doll16 to aacdeln as a gift!! ♥
+Traded in one bronze certificate for aniki12
=Mastered Aniki!
+Received herr10 and lord16 from aacdeln as a gift!! ♥

11/29 -- Traded demon18 and sinner07 for rikka04 and herr09 with arsons
+Traded bunny18 for panzer02 with roxora
+Traded score15 for simple14 with isnotporno

11/30 - Traded ginryuu14 for baron16 with amewarashi
+Traded harp15 for panzer05 with 0x
+Received nii09 and helix05 for game: Happy Birthday! round 22
+Traded cool03 for twins07 with mosquetera
+Traded enigma03 and enigma09 for rikka05 and helix03 with m_a_foxfire


12/2 - Traded ginryuu09 and ginryuu14 for enkidu12 and cool11 with chrysa
+Traded cake01 for hound16 and enkidu17 with paper_moth
+Gave hound16 to haruhara as a gift!! ♥♥
+Traded sheep20 and resolve08 for stoic11 and helix09 with lilikoifish
+Received land10, ruse11, and thought17 for game: Anime Trivia round 23
+Received nipa13, cool03, and one bronze certificate for game: Laundry Basket, round 14
+Received enkidu10, simple06, and one bronze certificate for game: Guess the Character, round 15
+Received RCO08 and dog18 for game: Pick a Card, round 16
+Traded lord04 for drill15 with aerisg

12/5 -- Traded pizza05 for enkidu14 with aquapatty

12/8 -- Received mentor12, king08, and rooster05 for game: Distorted!, round 17
+Received otaku10, saru16, fight08, rooster18, and one silver certificate from game: Guess the Manga, round 17 and Guess the Seiyuu, round 15

12/9 -- Traded bunny09 for panzer16 with faithy-with-a-k
+Traded pizza10 for simple05 with haruhara
+Received rikka15 from haruhara as a gift!! ♥♥
+Traded thought17 for drill14 with roxora
+Received mentor12, king08, and rooster05 for game: Guess the Video Game, round 14
+Received one bronze certificate for game: Boobs, Butt, or Shoulder, round 08
+Received aniki13, emperor08, and sharp03 for game: Pick a Card, round 17
+Received sports13, alien19, lord20, and one bronze certificate for game: Guess the Character(s), round 16
+Received bones03, alien09, and one bronze certificate for game: Eye Spy, round 17
+Received razr12, neko08, and one bronze certificate for game: Distorted! round 17
+Traded in one bronze certificate for baron11
+Traded otaku10 and heaven15 for rikka07 and enkidu05 with melting

12/10 -- Traded boar08, breast10, and love09 for oedipus01, oedipus17, oedipus18, and stoic01 with fluffyferret
+Traded sharp03 for drill18 with kaleidoruby

12/11 -- Traded land10 for trap12 with beatrix101
+Traded aniki13 for helix11 with duo_aurion
+Gave trap12 to haruhara as a gift!! ♥♥

12/14 -- Traded simple14 for herr13 with whisperinghope
+Traded enigma10 and enigma14 for drill02 and helix11 with froggster
+Traded king08 for herr17 with insanezero
+Traded luxuria19 and avarice14 for panzer03 and panzer17 with amano_rei

12/15 -- Traded cicada05 for invidia12 with skittlestemple
+Traded simple05 and simple06 for strings14 and strings18 with deceive
+Traded sweets11 for oedipus12 with dia_aren_marie

12/16 -- Traded rooster05 and rooster18 for panzer07 and panzer10 with lianchini
+Received panzer08 and aniki16 for game: Guess the Character, round 17
+Received switch13 and luxuria13 for game: Eye Spy, round 18
+Received class32 and trap10 for game: Guess the Video Game, round 15
+Traded aniki16 for herr05 with chikky2k5
+Received snake15 and boar01 for game: Happy Birthday! round 24

12/17 -- Received snake01, switch05, and bat05 for game: Anime Trivia, round 24
+Received fox09 and mentor18 from game: Happy Birthday! round 25
+Received strings01 and doctor03 from lazuliprince as a gift!! ♥♥ ;o;
+Gave razr12 to haruhara as a gift!! ♥♥
+Traded mentor12 for sinner18 with strife_girl ♥!
+Traded lucuria03 for helix02 with amano_rei

12/18 -- Traded bat05 for strings08 with elystia
+Traded switch13 for drill08 with ignored_tears
+Traded dog18 for rikka16 with curiositykate
+Traded snake01, snake15, and sinner18 for truth02, truth06, and truth07 with amano_rei

12/19 -- Received herr06 from haruhara as a gift!! ♥♥ *o*
+Traded hell06 and hell17 for rat03 and cow05 with froggster
+Traded neko08 for rikka03 with lysberries ♥!
+Traded trap10 for aniki02 with skittlestemple
+Traded class32 for snake08 with ellyberry

12/20 -- Traded rat03 for panzer18 with amewarashi
+Traded emperor18 for strings19 with faithy_with_a_k

12/21 -- Traded majin07 for truth14 with paper_moth

12/23 -- Received plushie17, rikka09, council02, dog01, onigiri06, cabbit05, and oha09 for game: Scrambler, round 13
+Received sinner09, loss17, and knight04 for game: Eye Spy, round 19
+Received cleaver19, jewel20, and shrimp07 for game: Guess the Character, round 18

12/24 -- Received esper19 and barrel10 for game: Freebie, round 13
+Received blood18, wild05, mail11, and unlucky10 for game: Happy Birthday! round 26
+Traded enigma15 for strings02 with aikodestiny
+Traded alien09 for oedipus07 with chill_shadow ♥!!
+Received herr02 from haruhara as a gift!! ♥♥
+Traded snake08 for lord10 with amano_rei
+Received friend10, seiryu07, kick07, and velvet06 for game: Anime Trivia, round 26
+Traded alien09 for oedipus07 with chill_shadow ♥♥!!
+Traded thief17 for rikka02 with phantoms_angel_ ♥♥!!
+Received mikheil20 from haruhara as a gift!! ♥♥
+Traded cow05 for panzer11 with kaleidoruby
+Received brave05, mikheil11, katana07, feist02, profe08, devil06, cloud09, storm04, chozo15, zehel04, shinra18, wave07, mayo02, perm04, kuroi16, okama13, zehel11, the Three of Swords, and five member cards from news post
+Traded katana07 for zehel03 with headshot
+Traded chozo15 for zehel16 with aacdeln
+Received truth12 from aacdeln as a gift!! ♥♥
+Traded brave05 for zehel13 with elystia
+Traded cool01, cool03, cool05, cool11, and twins06 for truth10, truth15, truth16, truth19, and truth20 with amano_rei
+Gave shinra18, profe08, and cloud09 to haruhara as a gift!! ♥♥
+Received zehel06, mikheil06, and feist06 from haruhara as a gift!! ♥♥
+Traded seiryu07 for zehel18 with parttime_job ♥!
+Traded devil06 for profe11 with parrtime_job
+Traded barrel10 for drill05 with lysberries

12/25 -- Traded nii09 and switch05 for chief13 and tease09 with replica
+Received one gold certificate for game: Pick a Card, round 19
+Traded storm04 and velvet06 for chair08 and feist04 with haruhara
+Received panzer12 from haruhara as a gift!! ♥♥ *o*
+Traded perm04 for drill07 with deceive

12/26 -- Traded wave07 for profe08 with froggster
+Traded snake07 for strings17 with amewarashi
+Traded three bronze certificates for strings06, panzer01, and panzer13
+Traded one silver certificate for panzer04 and panzer09
=Mastered Panzer!
+Traded one gold certificate for RCO10 with roxora
+Traded nana01 for bell08 and candy03 with __katreusaki
+Traded cello13 for feist12 with elystia

12/27 -- Traded bell08 and candy03 for cello12 and cello14 with haruhara
+Gave moon20 to chibi_shiro as a gift!! ♥♥
+Traded cello12 and cello14 for debt07 and tease16 with elystia
+Traded nana02 for bald19 and nurse19 with __katreusaki
+Traded friend10 for go03 with get_in_get_out
+Received chair03, bass10, and memphis14 for game: Roll Call [?]
+Traded license03 for drill20 with evilbo
+Traded blood18 for helix10 with lianchini

12/28 -- Traded loss17 for drill10 with whisperinghope
+Traded one member card for froggster's member card ♥♥!!
+Received smile02, go19, and barrel14 for game: Scavenger Hunt, round 01

12/30 -- Received soldier08, jerk15, and angel08 for game: Guess the Character, round 19
+Traded bald19, nurse19, and twins09 for kuroi02, chair10, and chair17 with haruhara
+Received slack18 and hornet13 for game: Freebie, round 14

12/31 -- Received three02, style17, and perm15 for game: Anime Trivia, round 27
+Received sakujo12, haori20, and drill13 for game: Happy Birthday! round 27
+Received kuroi10, kuroi06, kick20, storm16, and one silver certificate for game: Laundry Basket, round 16


1/2 -- Traded go03 for kuroi17 with lilikoifish
+Traded kick07 for profe12 with amano_rei
+Traded lord17 for drill09 with chikky2k5 ♥!
+Traded miheil06 and bass10 for zehel02 and kuroi02 with faithy_with_a_k

1/3 -- Traded style17 and one usercard for kuroi03 and demyx's usercard. ♥
+Received kuroi08, scythe03, fan03, and one bronze certificate for game: Guess the Mangaka, round 01
+Traded harp12 for tease17 with 0x
+Traded stoic01 for profe15 with shinyalovesdie
+Traded mentor18 for drill01 with bondofflame ♥!!!

1/4 -- Received scales02, guilty03, bombay01, soul07, and one bronze certificate for game: Boobs, Butt, or Shoulder, round 10

1/5 -- Traded revenge12, revenge14, and revenge15 for kuroi05, tease08, and debt04 with arsons
+Traded smile02 for feist08 with haruhara
+Traded angel08 for mikheil13 with amano_rei
+Received ciao05, lonely10, and spirit08 for game: Guess the Anime, round 25
+Received coin07 and warrior15 for game: Freebie, round 12
+Traded jerk15 for enkidu08 with parttime_job

1/6 -- Traded hornet13 for profe02 with haruhara
+Traded rose20 and sweets07 for drill13 and feist19 with princess_saix
+Traded helix12 for kuroi07 with voxune ♥!
+Traded one silver certificate for strings04 and strings15
=Mastered Strings!
+Traded soldier08 for drill03 with callie_chan
+Received court02 and hero17 for game: Guess the Character, round 20
+Traded lonely10 and court02 for candy03 and betray11 with haruhara
+Traded hero17 for jerk16 with xspin
+Received angel12, cocoa02, and empathy12 for game: Happy Birthday! round 28
+Received RCO01 and prank16 for game: Guess the Manga, round 20
+Received kuroi14, bald17, heart02, and smile17 for game: Seiyuu Guess, round 19

1/7 -- Traded spirit08 for chair02 with lucathia_rykatu
+Traded smile17 for kuroi01 with haruhara
+Traded three02 for enkidu02 with clioheika
+Received kami02, shades12, trick19, and one silver certificate for game: Distorted! round 19

1/8 -- Received kuroi09, hack03, valesti12, and one bronze certificate for game: Scavenger Hunt, round 2

1/9 -- Traded barrel14 for kuroi11 with nest
+Traded sweets16 for object17 with dia_aren_marie
+Traded storm16 and helix02 for mikheil02 and mikheil07 with voxune

1/10 -- Received one silver certificate for game: Pick a Card, round 22
+Received storm05, noble11, feist17, and one bronze certificate for game: Guess the Mangaka, round 02
+Traded ciao05, haori20, mayo02, noble11, and kami02 for azoth08, cocoa07, pilot05, fireball20, and cow14 with haruhara ♥♥
+Traded trick17 for mikheil01 with amano_rei
+Traded rikka09 and valesti12 for court18 and storm18 with elystia ♥!

1/11 -- Traded slack18 for zehel07 with chrysa
+Traded angel12 and prank16 for feist07 and mikheil09 with lianchini ♥~!
+Received cloud04, killer06, style02, cop17, rubber10, and one silver certificate for game: Spot the Difference, round 02
+Traded killer06 for kuroi13 with squri
+Traded pirate05 for tease20 with lucathia_rykatu

1/12 -- Traded cleaver19 for chair09 with skittlestemple
+Traded in one bronze certificate for drill04
=Mastered Drill!
+Traded twins07 and harp14 for punch05 and potion06 with zellie_kinneas
+Traded council02 for enkidu03 with lilikoifish ♥!!

1/13 -- Received valesti18, sand17, and devil16 for game: Guess the Character, round 21
+Received flashy10, clover19 and dame08 for game: Guess the Anime, round 26
+Received storm17, mayo19, and goetia02 for game: Matching, round 15

1/14 -- Received storm09, mist10, extreme07 [WTF REBORN], and one bronze certificate for game: Laundry Basket, round 17
+Traded potion06 for profe07 with amano_rei
+Received warrior01, holy13, and tamago12 for game: Happy Birthday! round 29
+Traded sand17 for memphis17 with c00_quack ♥~

1/15 -- Traded holy13 and hack03 for mayo07 and mayo14 with amano_rei

1/17 -- Received one gold certificate for game: Pick a Card, round 23
+Received kick13, bald09, illegal07, and one silver certificate for game: Guess the Mangaka round 03

1/18 -- Traded in one gold certificate, three silver certificates, and four bronze certificates for RCO06, herr04, herr07, herr11, herr15, herr16, herr18, herr19, enkidu11, enkidu15, and enkidu16
=Mastered Enkidu!
=Mastered Herr!
+Received slack09, miroku13, and one bronze certificate for game: Boobs, Butt, or Shoulder, round 11
+Traded empathy12, mist10, storm05, and storm09 for mayo03, mayo10, profe05, and profe17 with haruhara ♥♥!
+Received lazy11, psalms16, and one bronze certificate for game: Spot the Difference, round 03
+Traded betray11 for debt11 with duo_aurion

1/19 -- Traded suit08 for Ace of Swords with suidorime ♥!
+Traded rouge06, rouge15, and rouge16 for feist13, lord13, and chair01 with chaoticchicken
+Traded devil16 for debt03 with victorisham
+Traded innocence03 for the Knight of Swords in game: Card Pot
+Received formal09, temper10, rain14, and one silver certificate for game: Distorted! round 20
+Traded heart02 for pact02 with chibi_shiro~! ♥
+Traded valesti18 for mayo09 with elystia ♥!

1/20 -- Received rubber06 and hornet19 for game: Freebie, round 15
+Received lonely17 and suzaku11 for game: Guess the Video Game, round 20

1/21 -- Traded extreme07, sinner09, bombay01, and dame08 for tease11, feist11, and RCO05 with catfight ♥!
+Traded kick13 for dream06 with amano_rei
+Received pisces15 and doubt03 for game: Guess the Character, round 22
+Gave storm17 and storm18 to haruhara as a gift!! ♥♥
+Traded one usercard for one usercard with haruhara ♥~!

1/24 -- Received arm19, kido09, vain06, [WTF BLEACH] and one bronze certificate for game: Eye Spy, round 23
+Traded stoic11 and clover19 for RCO16 with mosquetera
+Received geta16, bald14, ...15, and tongari07 for game: Guess the Mangaka, round 04
+Received mind16, kido14, and one bronze certificate for game: Pick a Card, round 24

1/25 -- Received budget16, okami02, and dream16 for game: Scavenger Hunt, round 03
+Received doubt01, alice10, and brave18 for game: Scavenger Hunt, round 04
+Traded doubt03 for profe09 with amano_rei
+Received grudge13, trace15, and debt13 for game: Scavenger Hunt, round 05
+Received kuroi18, tea06, temper11, and katana01 for game: Spot the Difference, round 04

1/27 -- Received tactic20, budget18, and one bronze certificate for game: Distorted! round 21
+Received meteor19, pig17, goose15, and one bronze certificate for game: Eye Spy, round 24
+Traded onigiri06 for feist10 with roxora ♥♥!

1/28 -- Traded alice10 for dream17 with headshot ♥!
+Traded budget16 and doubt01 for tease01 and perm16 with amano_rei
+Received dream11 for game: Guess the Manga, round 22

1/29 -- Traded style02 and helix09 for dream03 and dream09 with voxune


2/1 -- Received kami13, water13, and one bronze certificate for game: Spot the Difference, round 05
+Traded shrimp07, voice20, protect03, protect19, and aniki02 for chair20, chief08, guilty16, velvet13, and slack01 with stardust_halos ♥!
+Traded pact02 for dream02 with melting ♥~
+Traded pilot05 for feist15 with evilbo
+Traded nipa13 for feist09 with skittlestemple
+Traded silent06 and sweets15 for King of Swords with princess_saix ♥~
+Traded helix11 and knight04 for chief17 and dream18 with chikky2k5
+Traded psalms16 for dream02 with cloudxsora ♥!
+Traded flashy10 and illegal07 for chair13 and mikheil19 with haruhara ♥!
+Traded tea06 for kuroi03 with burningvigor ♥♥!
+Received calm06, dream12, truant05, and one bronze certificate for game: Laundry Basket, round 18

2/2 -- Traded two bronze certificates for kuroi15 and scales06
+Traded okama13 for profe19 with spiralheaven
+Traded brave18 and goose15 for tease07 and tease14 with amewarashi ;o; ♥!!!
+Traded jerk16 and sakujo12 for memphis07 and memphis10 with 0x
+Traded oha09 for scales06 with metakosmia
+Received smoke12, flashy06, and one gold certificate for game: Pick a Card, round 25
+Traded cop17 and lazy11 for fan19 and lazy05 with mosquetera

2/3 -- Received toy06 for game: Matching, round 16
+Received tea16, copy07, seiryu02, and object06 for game: Guess the Mascot, round 16
+Received plum06 and kami19 [lmao] for game: Freebie, round 16
+Received chariot16, orange10, and one bronze certificate for game: Distorted! round 22
+Traded arm12 for kuroi12 with tehkev ♥♥!!!!!
=Mastered Kuroi!
+Traded warrior01 and warrior14 for profe01 and helix17 with chibi_shiro ♥!
+Traded dagger01 for debt17 with skittlestemple ♥~
+Traded temper11 for perm19 with, cloudxsora
+Traded ...[dot]15 for zehel05 with chrysa ♥!!!
+Traded rain14 for ego15 with victorisham
+Traded scales06 for dream01 with amewarashi ♥!
+Received mikheil05, chair11, and chair17 from haruhara as a gift!!! ♥♥♥ asdjf;alksjdr ;o;

2/4 -- Received baron04, extreme17, and esper10 for leveling up to level 4
+Received baron06, oedipus04, oedipus02, rikka01, rikka12, truth04, strings03, strings09, drill16, enkidu04, herr04, and kuroi04 for mastering decks.
+Received jet12 and guise08 for game: Guess the Character, round 24
+Received rubber19, scales14, and one bronze certificate for failing at life game: Eye Spy, round 25
+Gave guise08 to haruhara as a gift!! ♥♥
+Traded cabbit05 for heart20 with rhap_chan

2/5 -- Received dream19 from headshot as a gift!! ♥♥!
+Received feist13, mascot13, and zehel19 for leveling up to level 5
+Received pro16, flashy20, bar11, neck16, hani05, betray17, silent05, tease06, switch07, soul16, nun19, guard15, mugen17, hachi02, otaku14, saturn15, light16, flame06, smile06, lazy16, amnesia10, sand12, jewel12, soldier01, hero18, and unmei01 for mastering all those other decks. D8
+Received empathy16, bell20, and object14 for game: Happy Birthday! round 23
+Traded heart20 for agni16 with chibi_shiro ♥!
+Traded one gold certificate, one silver certificate, and one bronze certificate for RCO07, dream20, tease05, and tease13
+Traded mind16 for profe03 with kaleidoruby ♥!
+Traded sutra20 for profe14 with amewarashi ♥!!

2/6 -- Received kuroi19, basset06, and mushi04 for leveling up to level 6.
+Received zehel01, three19, blind10, and mary18 for leveling up to level 7.
+Traded formal09 and calm06 for helix07 and jerk12 with c00_quack
+Traded twins01 for chief14 with chianna
+Traded kick20 and sweets09 for dream10 and memphis13 with aikodestiny ♥!

2/7 -- Traded smile06 for memphis19 with haruhara ♥~
+Received materia07, flashy07, dv18, trick13, katana15, one silver certificate, and one gold certificate for game: Guess the Mangaka, round 06
+Gave flashy02, flashy06, shades12, bald14, lonely17, tea12, pisces15, and vain06 to haruhara as a gift!!! ♥♥ MUAHAHAHAA
+Received feist03, corrupt09, and angel14 for mastering kuroi!
+Gave extreme17 and materia07 to headshot as a birthday present!! [EVEN THOUGH I WAS LATE] ♥~!

2/8 -- Received mikheil10, coin13, tongari01, warrior19, and kido14 for game: Spot the Difference, round 06

2/9 -- Traded smoke12 for mikheil08 with chibi_shiro ♥!
+Traded okami02 for dream07 with elystia ♥~!
+Received vain15, hero05, and well11 for game: Scavenger Hunt, round 06
+Traded hani05 and otaku15 for tease19 and profe18 with cakemix ♥!
+Received one silver certificate for game: Pick a Card, round 26

2/10 -- Traded vain15 for ciao06 with haruhara &hearts
+Traded rose17 for perm14 with cloudxsora
+Received pro17, liar03, and one bronze certificate for game: Guess the Character, round 25
+Traded ciao06 for mikheil16 with cakemix ♥!
+Traded hero05 for mayo13 with blitzente
+Traded miroku13 and truant05 for RCO14 with kneazlegirl ♥~

2/11 -- Received tease06 from haruhara as a gift!! ♥♥
+Received rain02, trace14, ciao02, and formal20 for game: Guess the Anime, round 30

2/14 -- Received cruel14, truant14, nihao20, and one bronze certificate for game: Scavenger Hunt, round 07
+Received hime18, ...[dot]06, and one bronze certificate for game: Guess the Mangaka, round 07
+Received one silver certificate for game: Pick a Card, round 27
+Traded opera16 for chair14 with elystia
+Traded esper19 for debt10 with hughes_maes
+Traded kuroi03 for tease18 with chikky2k5 ♥!
+Gave ciao02 to haruhara as a gift!! ♥♥
+Traded pro17, meteor19, geta16, and go10 for object03, object10, object15, and helix04 with amano_rei

2/15 -- Received memphis06 from haruhara as a gift!! *o* ♥♥
+Received rubber13, gun07, calm07, dame15, mikheil04, valesti08, heil14, go10, and two bronze certificates for game: Guess the OP, round 13
+Received cold06, ring07, and friend08 [AHAHA] for game: Happy Birthday! round 33
+Traded one gold certificate, three silver certificates, and eight bronze certificates for RCO09, mikheil03, mikheil12, mikheil14, mikheil15, mikheil17, mikheil18, zehel08, zehel09, zehel10, zehel12, zehel14, zehel15, zehel17, and zehel20
=Mastered Mikheil!
=Mastered Zehel!
+Traded valesti08 for hero03 with haruhara

2/17 -- Traded one usercard for perm01, perm12, and debt20 with headshot ♥!!

2/18 -- Received feist05, profe04, mayo11, debt16, smile05, and kick05 for mastered Zehel and Mikheil
=HAS 666 CARDS AHAHAHAHAAA *shoots self*
+Received crush18 and tamago07 for game: Guess the Character, round 26
+Received shiro05, angel03, liar13, and one bronze certificate for game: Eye Spy, round 27
+Traded obsession07, obsession09, and basset06 for feist20, panzer12, guilt05, and taiyaki19 at Card Exchange
+Traded crush18 and wild05 for perm07 and court15 with chibi_shiro ♥!

2/22 -- Received ...02, perm08, velvet01, and unmei20 for game: Spot the Difference, round 08
+Traded dv18 for dream13 with voxune

2/24 -- Traded copy07 for helix20 with amano_rei
+Traded kido15 for memphis09 with haruhara
+Received meteor09, hero10, and one bronze certificate for game: Eye Spy, round 28
+Traded rain02 for feist16 with c00_quack ♥!!!
+Traded suzaku11 for helix18 with headshot ♥!

2/25 -- Traded guilty03 for tease03 with verie ♥!!
+Traded scythe03 for helix06 with demyx
+Traded bald17 for scales08 with chikky2k5
+Traded neck16 for perm10 with melting
+Traded geta09 for debt18 with zellie_kinneas ♥!
+Traded hammer13 for dream14 with suidorime ♥!!!
+Traded shiro05 for perm02 with froggster
+Traded angel14 for feist01 with lianchini ♥♥!!
+Traded lord06 and meteor09 for memphis01 and tease15 with haruhara ♥♥ sldkjfakl;sjdf
+Traded guilty16 for debt09 with amano_rei

2/26 -- Gave warrior19 to chibi_shiro as a gift!! ♥♥
+Traded trace15 for mayo01 with tehkev

2/28 -- Received one bronze certificate for game: Pick a Card, round 29

2/29 -- Received slave16, doubt01, and sakujo07 for game: Spot the Difference, round 09
+Received hack09, liar12, and angel09 for game: Guess the Mangaka, round 09

MARCH 2008

3/2 -- Traded tamago07 for dream15 with voxune ♥!
-Traded punch05 for memphis02 with demyx
+Received dance12, orphan03, jet03, hymn10, tuatha04, spandex14, drill20, foul14, guilt20, and one silver certificate for game: Seiyuu Guess, rounds 24, 35, and 26
+Received crow06, vassal02, and fallen10 for game: Guess the Manga, rounds 25, 26, and 27
+Received mercury07, perfect12, demon18, and one bronze certificate for game: Distorted! round 23
+Received okama15, winter07, and select01 for game: Guess the Manga, round 24
+Traded seven bronze certificates and two silver certificates for profe06, profe13, profe16, profe20, feist14, feist18, tease02, tease04, tease10, tease12, and dream05
=Mastered Profe!
=Mastered Feist!
=Mastered Tease!
+Received sadist10, hope02, sei19, dream04 for leveling up
=Mastered Dream!
+Received debt01, debt02, merge01, merge02, wander13, neko19, traitor04, debt14, chess10, dragon08, bat05, and death18 for mastering the other decks. D|
+Received object15, steam15, ballet08, and craft07 for Leap Year

3/3 -- Received malice14, masks12, 2nd03, and aloof18 for game: Guess the Anime, round 33
+Received amber02 and dagger13 for game: Freebie, round 17
+Received errand15 and fist10 for game: Freebie, round 18
+Received selece02, bara02, tactic15, and one bronze certificate for game: Eye Spy, round 29
+Received merge20 from maia_cyllene as a gift!! ♥♥ ;o;

3/4 -- Received try20, zura01, shallow12, merge16, vino19, exia01, contest05, PK11, sen05, box11, ore14, tempt05, slave01, writer10, and griever20 from News Post
+Traded contest05 for erase02 with elystia ♥!
+Gave zura01 to haruhara as a gift!! ♥♥
+Traded well11 for zura08 with haruhara ♥♥
+Received wind14, loss20, and select18 for game: Anime Trivia, round 36
+Received sica19, fake06, and teach09 for game: Happy Birthday! round 30
+Traded winter07 for chief20 with haruhara
+Traded try20 for merge19 with voxune ♥!

3/5 -- Traded slave01, slave16, select01, and writer01 for debt06, debt08, manage11, and mayo06 with amewarashi ♥♥!!
+Traded griever20 for debt15 with blitzente ♥!

3/6 -- Received rent05, death10, and one bronze certificate for game: Spot the Difference, round 10

3/8 -- Received red11, snipe13, and odange04 for game: Guess the Mangaka, round 12
+Traded ballet18 and select18 for perm18 and tempt20 with amewarashi ♥!
+Traded death18 for pain17 with amano_rei
+Traded exia01, goetia02, and hymn10 for memphis18, mayo03, and merge04 with whisperinghope ♥!

3/9 -- Traded ...[dot]02 and ...[dot]06 for try11 and object09 with ekoko
+Traded lord13 for merge08 with lilikoifish ♥!

3/11 - Received partner09, zura06, and snake19 for game: Guess the Anime, round 34
+Received paradise15, ohmu02, and dan10 for game: Guess the Character, round 29
+Received 2K18, bara08, and one bronze certificate for game: Eye Spy, round 30

3/13 -- Traded masks12 for rats16 with thunderemperor
+Traded snipe13 for scales01 with amano_rei
+Traded velvet13 for debt12 with froggster ♥♥!!
+Received one bronze certificate from haruhara as a gift!! ♥♥
+Received bust01, malice03, and temper15 for game: Scavenger Hunt, round 11
+Received paradise01, rich06, eat01, and one bronze certificate for game: Scavenger Hunt, round 10

3/14 PI DAY -- Traded nun19 for akuma11 with evilbo ♥!
+Traded betray17 and steam16 for helix16 and perm20 with duo_aurion ♥!
+Received one silver certificate for game: Pick a Card, round 31
+Traded smile05 for mayo05 with lillula ♥!
+Traded mary18, tease06, and okama15 for debt05, debt19, and merge15 with spiralheaven ♥♥♥ OH GOD THANK YOU ;3;
=Mastered Debt!
+Traded dagger13 for memphis20 with get_in_get_out
+Traded mushi04 for chief05 with haruhara

3/16 -- Received paradise02 for game: Matching, round 19
+Traded nihao20 for perm13 with fluffyferret ♥!
+Traded three19 for mayo15 with nest ♥!
+Traded candy03 for sadist08 with fakelunacy
+Traded cruel14 for soda12 with lysberries ♥!
+Traded flashy20 for court02 with sinnesspiel

3/17 -- Received perm17, snipe11, and zer02 for mastering Debt

3/18 -- Received sea02, lunar14, and one bronze certificate for game: Eye Spy, round 31
+Received carve08, azure15 and true01 for game: Guess the Character, round 30

3/20 -- Received mage07, train12, one silver certificate, and one gold certificate for game: Spot the Difference, round 12
+Traded eat01 and paradise01 for perm11 and erase15 with chyrsa ♥!
+Traded helix20 for merge11 with voxune ♥!
+Traded paradise15 for object01 with amano_rei

3/24 -- Traded paradise02 and snipe11 for perm03 and perm06 with haruhara ♥♥

3/27 -- Received luxuria15, neko09, quick11, and clown16 for game: Spot the Difference, round 13
+Traded hack09 for court07 with amano_rei
+Received flame13, duck04, and wrench15 for game: Scavenger Hunt, round 12
+Received mentor02, power05, and duty15 for game: Scavenger Hunt, round 13
+Traded drill20 and object15 for chief10 and chief19 with firethanatos ♥!
+Received craft20, fight18, and willow02 for game: Pick a Card, round 33
+Received bust03 and chair12 for game: Pick a Card, round 32
+Traded one gold certificate for RCO03

3/28 -- Received perm05, duty02, bones05, and pedo10 for leveling up

3/29 -- Received vassal07, fang11, scar19 and one bronze certificate for game: Anime Trivia, round 37

3/30 -- Received finance02, secret13, fast12, and one bronze certificate for game: Laundry Basket, round 21
+Received ...[dot]18, ditz09, materia17, and one bronze certificate for game: Laundry Basket, round 22
+Traded death10 and scar19 for shallow14 and ore06 with amano_rei
+Traded try11 for perm09 with kittycatmew ♥!!!
+Traded tactic15 for vino19 with kissing_on ♥~

part two | part three | part four

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