"Once we accept that ALL definitions (including the idea of definitions themselves!) are abstractions of sense data, everything else falls into place."
You can not accept 2 definitions if they are contradictory. You realize this. You study philosophy, its unavoidable you would read Plato's dialouges. Socretes' entire method of reason throughout the Republic was jumping from definition to definition produced by both himself, and numerous others in the diolouge, to expell that which contradicts. To state acceptance of all definitions produces coherence, would be silly if it wasn't so stupid.
Any bitch can cite another persons work to defend their argument. You are not adressing people that have read all of these. Just as you don't know what the hell my paragraph abouve means if you have not studied the Republic. Therefore your arguments are invalide unless you provide backing of your own derived from them. And if you can provide backing of your arguments on your own, there is no use in citing others in your debates.
Re: colin's wordsstorm_daughterApril 13 2005, 18:19:43 UTC
Refuting my argument out right gets you no where. That was not a collage thesis, it was not an organized argument. It was my opinon baised on my opions, based on nothing based on life
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Comments 5
You can not accept 2 definitions if they are contradictory. You realize this. You study philosophy, its unavoidable you would read Plato's dialouges. Socretes' entire method of reason throughout the Republic was jumping from definition to definition produced by both himself, and numerous others in the diolouge, to expell that which contradicts. To state acceptance of all definitions produces coherence, would be silly if it wasn't so stupid.
Any bitch can cite another persons work to defend their argument. You are not adressing people that have read all of these. Just as you don't know what the hell my paragraph abouve means if you have not studied the Republic. Therefore your arguments are invalide unless you provide backing of your own derived from them. And if you can provide backing of your arguments on your own, there is no use in citing others in your debates.
all you need to do to refute your point on defining definitions is to say:
you can define words with other words. so can you define definitions with other definitions.
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