foodfoodfood...: roughly translates as saladsaladsalad!!
and what's an ecotek valve love?? i've never heard of it. but then again, i am a girl!
sounds like someone's spoiling their car... daisy's got new toys too but they're kinda of the springy mr men air freshner variety! lol like i say, i'm a girl!
i didn't think of salad! i was thinking more along the lines of pasta! pasta cains salad! almost as much as cereal does!
ecotek is the name of the company, the valve they make does some swirly thing that makes more use of the petrol going into the engine so it saves on fuel. here's some more info if you're interested, it can save you up to around 30% on petrol, so it'll probably pay for itself within a month :)
Comments 6
just trying to add to the "much happiness" hehe :P
i was going to add it myself but i couldn't be bothered! :P
foodfoodfood...: roughly translates as saladsaladsalad!!
and what's an ecotek valve love?? i've never heard of it. but then again, i am a girl!
sounds like someone's spoiling their car... daisy's got new toys too but they're kinda of the springy mr men air freshner variety! lol like i say, i'm a girl!
ecotek is the name of the company, the valve they make does some swirly thing that makes more use of the petrol going into the engine so it saves on fuel. here's some more info if you're interested, it can save you up to around 30% on petrol, so it'll probably pay for itself within a month :)
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