Figured I'd go ahead and deal with the next few chapters before going to the market, doing the Parasha reading, etc. (Sorry that's running a bit later than usual today, and will have to wait for me to do shopping as well!)
So now Elayne wants Cairhien after all, eh? Greedy greedy. And I'm not sure just how much I buy her explanations - yeah, it'll be tough for Andor caught in the middle of everyone, but that's not going to be made *less* difficult by her grabbing up more land that she has to try to integrate under her reign.
"Been played" again. Ugh. Just... ugh. In most cases Sanderson is good about writing with something close to Jordan's voice, but that is... jarring.
And here's where I'm really starting to realize that the times are all screwy, and it's hard to keep track of what happens before what. Because here we have Elayne talking about Egwene needing to reunify the Tower and all, Rand being all angry and everything still, etc etc. And there are more places where it's screwy later (like Tam being in two places at once apparently)... so what's going on when? Argh.
And wow, I always pictured Mat as pretty well literate and all. I mean, with all the reading half of the Two Rivers seems to do... But his letter is absolutely atrocious.
"Today Cadsuane hadn't the patience for it." Does she ever have patience with anything? I realized during this chapter... I'm REALLY hoping we get to see Egwene and Cadsuane meet (or maybe Cadsuane and Moiraine, post-rescue), and see Cads taken down another peg. Tam did it already a bit, but it doesn't seem to have had much lasting impact.
I was wondering about the "real reason" the Aiel were trailing Min since that seems all foreboding and all, but it just turns out later in the chapter to be so that they can have hint of Rand's movements. Bah.
And... more new viewings. Not too hard to figure out what bloodstained rocks is all about, at least!
If I have to wait to see Cadsuane get taken down a peg, at least we get to see Rand do it to Nynaeve slightly. And with humor! Hah.
With Rand's talk of facing Egwene coming up, I guess we still have the "know her anger" bit to come!
And the chapter 14 icon - have we seen that one before? I can't remember! I'm assuming it's for Tel'Aran'Rhiod?
And I like how Egwene of COURSE assumes that although she's in the middle of thinking how Nynaeve usually sees/does what's right, she automatically things Nynaeve has to be wrong this time, re: the seals. Of course she's being manipulated by the ta'veren-itude Egwene. Of course. You couldn't possibly be wrong, after all! Oh well, I'll cut her some slack, since she's been kicking much ass, and I guess everyone has their off moments.