I just finished reading Thud! It was, as usual, excellent. And, incidentally, the first Pratchett book that's ever caused me to mist up a bit. Geh, I'm so full of *squee* right now! No time for a full review, but here are my highlights:
1. p. 351 of the American Harper Collins edition: Vimes, speaking about listening to the cube, says, along with a few other things, cops my favourite Vetinari line and gives it a twist of his own - "In this place! At this time!" *squee* Vetinari's Terrier is learning from his Master.
2. Sally. A vampire in the Watch. Sally the Vampire in the Watch. Sally the vampire who is at odds with Angua the werewolf but spends half the book running around naked in the mud with her. It's probably a bad sign, but I've got as many Sally/Angua fic ideas from this book as I've got for Vimes/Vetinari.
3. What? Vetinari's not calling Vimes 'Sir Samuel' anymore! Not a single time. Was there a lover's quarrel, perhaps? :D
4. Not too much Carrot, but just enough.
5. A glimpse into dwarf culture, and, conversely, a glimpse at an intelligent troll.
6. Watch Girl's Night Out
7. A stupid stripper (because you'd have to be stupid to like Nobby): you don't see many of those, I should think.
8. The whole thing with Sam Jr. rather got on my nerves. I don't like babies, and don't really care to read about them.
9. Dwarves vs. Trolls: the whole theme really rings true, particularly at this point in world history. Although probably a thousand years from now, it'd still hold as much accuracy and significance as it does today, simply because humans are petty creatures.
10. Speaking of petty, the Harper Collins edition was replete with typos, misspellings, and grammatical errors, although not to the same degree as Monstrous Regiment was. It is, however, slightly annoying, and I imagine even more so for the people who actually bought the book.
11. Interesting and lovable supporting characters. Specifically, Mr. Shine, Grag Bashfullson, and Brick.
12. DEATH trying to decipher the significance of the mystery novel.
13. The Summoning Dark.
There are more, and that list wasn't fleshed out very thoroughly, but I'm too tired to do a better job at this moment. I'm very glad that I've not read all the Discworld books yet, because I have to have a follow up to this one...I might, however, need to wait to begin another until after exams are over.
....because they're all next week and I've been ignoring my study to read Thud! -_-*