Fandom: Kyou Kara Maou
Title: A Fish Situation
Pairing: MuraKen/Yuuri
Rating: PG-13
Characters: Murata Ken, Shibuya Yuuri, Gunter, Annissina, mentions of Wolfram
Chapter: One shot
A/N: I raise Celestial eye goldfish and I happen to have two called Ken-chan and Yuuri-chan. Turns out Yuuri-chan's a girl, and I caught Ken-chan hitting against her
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Comments 3
and on a side note, i love all of your other stories too, you're one of the only kkm writers i found who do this pairing and they're wonderful! thank you for making me happy after a long night of studying :D
Ah, studying. Something I should be doing right now, but for some reason, I'm finding many excuses not to. Imagine that :D
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