Feng Shui II

May 01, 2005 12:40

So, the last time we left Big Marv, Jane and Stiletto they were in hell fighting demons, in a way that would make Dante from Devil May Cry proud. Over the top violent and totally improbably action, kung fu, guns and swords versus a horde of seemingly endless foes.

They had the aid of the game's beleaguered protagonist, Hsien Sho (Feng Shui sorcerer) and last night saw the return to the cliffhanger scene from last game, with more hellspawn making a bee-line for the player characters they had to do something.

In true Feng Shui tradition the game kicked into high gear with the players going on the offensive, trusting to their skills and talents to keep them out of harms way. They engaged a small phalanx of the buggers, ten in total and minced through them like a hot knife passing through butter, which is how it should be, after all they were mook mooks.

Cool things the players did:

Jane managed to set up by accident a nice magic attack for Hsien, she tried to hurl a pane of glass at a mook, missed but since it was HS' go next he used the shattered glass as a kind of impromptu blender, good one Jane. Jane also managed to shoot one of the mooks while hanging out of a window.

Stiletto was on top form as usual, using her deadly claws and teeth this time to rend and rip into the demons.

Several highlights of the evening were once again provided by Big Marv as the loveable lug found himself facing a demonspawn with attitude, one that ripped a broken light pole out and tried to club Marv over the head with it, now Marv was standing with his back to the wall so the creature swung the pole and...

Missed, but in true FS tradition the pole met the wall and CLANGED agsinst it, leaving the creature looking at the vibrating metal in its clawed hand.

It was Marv's go next and the big guy took the pole from the demon, smiled a kind of knowing smile and with a cool comment of: Kay ugly, lemme show you how it's done!


Nix one demon as it's powered into the floor and reduced to burning ash.

This brought to an end their first fight of the night, and heralded the arrival of some serious demon reinforcement, it dawned on the players as a swarm of bad-asses began to zero in on their location and a honkin big demon (40 feet tall) came barelling down the street - they had to get away some how.

As they stood for a few seconds working out how to to vacate the scene, Marv began to ready himself to bust more heads...then...there was a sound not unlike a truck horn and with it the arrival of Johnny Death, star of the TV show: Death Truckers, based around the idea of a group of enlightened mortals that use big guns, science and attitude to destroy rogue demonkind.

Johnny Death and his tricked out 18Wheeler complete with cheesy 80s Knight Rider style HQ trailer, does it get any better than this?

Big Marv recognised JD from his 'damn fine coat' with an info: damn fine coats roll, he put two and two together and climbed into the now stopped 18Wheeler.

The rest of the PCs followed Marv's lead, somewhat mystified they climbed into the back of the truck and JD drove towards the Highway, this is one of the ways in and out of hell, you've heard of the song right...by AC/DC?

Highway to Hell!

While Marv and the OTT JD got to speaking in the truck's cab Marv's hero worship of the actor/demon hunter was cut short as the sound of something BIG hitting the armoured trucks trailer forced people to go see what was wrong.

Fight #2: Skullcrusher, a named character and a hard one at that, the idea was to scare the players fragless and I think it worked.

The battle with the big 20 foot plus demon did not go well with the players and with it's big honkin fists it was able to batter Marv good, in the end the truck was left driving itself: Johnny's grandfather haunts the truck so he was all too happy to drive and let the JD up on top, but not even JDs custom sawn-off shotgun was enough to punch the lights out of this named demon character, the players got a few good licks in but they didn't really scratch it - named characters in FS are hard as nails unless you really get a good roll.

It was more of a puzzle boss, Marv had the right idea trying to throw it off the truck but failed his roll and got big honkin slapped again.

Finally, Hsien Sho managed to get a roll high enough and threw the demon off the top of the truck with a little FS Sorcery. The PCs were left riding the truck out of Hell.

From the laughter and smiles of the players, the fact that Marv's player seemed highly amused by the idea of a TV Show demon hunter, riding a big 18Wheeler with flames and skull paintjob, with a name like Johnny Death - I can assume a good time was had by all!

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