EAPortillo4488: lol I was readin your journal earlier...
EAPortillo4488: your realy weird
*lol..CUZ I'm the wierd one. haha... screw u.*
so havent gotten chem back but all my other exam grades were decent... yay.. guess studyn hard can pay off somewhat... neways...Jen came up 2 me 2 day n said "you should try out for the winter play" so i did... it was fun.. actually my last tid-bit was hilarious. didnt do so good at "seeming in love" w/ the JERK who i did the scene with.. but i did my best to hide my less then loving feelings for the kid...HAHA. Talia was more "OH SHIT" about it than i was though, OMG TALIA I FREAKIN LOVE YOU!!!! such a funny gurl...
*Lanna-thats sad about the girl from Broad Run. xox...*
I feel that we HAVE to do something for the Tsunami Victims: RED CROSS CLUB- we BETTER get 2 do somehting!!!!...but i also want to do somehting more... anyone wanna help me come up with something? Respond w/ ideas or suggestions or if u wanna help too!!!!!
HAPPY SWEET 16, KAITLIN HILL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i love you gurlie.
so basically... im tired and i shud get to sleep and i think im real allergic 2 my fuckin dog yet he insists on sleepin at the foot of muh bed and follown me around all the fuckin time...FUCKIN LUMP....AHH. w/e gonna go 2 the allergist on friday newyas i think... eyedoc on thurs and a hair cut... well TRIM
EAPortillo4488: you kinda cute
stormie216: are you drunk or somehting?
EAPortillo4488: yeah
stormie216: i see
EAPortillo4488: lol
EAPortillo4488: im jokin
stormie216: i know
stormie216: u can type
stormie216: therefore
EAPortillo4488: no you dont
stormie216: ur not drunk
EAPortillo4488: ay come on man
EAPortillo4488: I can type wen Im drunk
stormie216: hahahahahahahahahaha
EAPortillo4488: Im a real mean typer
stormie216: hahahahahahah
EAPortillo4488: period
EAPortillo4488: peep me then
EAPortillo4488: in a typin contest
EAPortillo4488: lil bamma
stormie216: hahahahah
stormie216: ur such a dork
EAPortillo4488: come on du
EAPortillo4488: ai
EAPortillo4488: nt
EAPortillo4488: nuttin but a g thang
*yeah im soooooo weird...HAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!* and if u decide that ur gonna read this shit again--know that u def. cannot talk 2 me how u did...