One day I'll fly away... (maybe!)

Jul 03, 2011 14:00

So I've been fairly cryptic on twitter for the last couple of weeks... like... "totally not a forward-moving career move, but a very nice personal experience builder. I MIGHT WORK OVERSEAS NEXT YEAR OMG" ( source), and many other tweets before that hinting at my struggle with undecisiveness and fear of being shot down and fear of the unknown (I'm ( Read more... )

jobhunting, travel

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Comments 29

girlspell July 3 2011, 18:23:37 UTC
OMG! A French /English speaking girl loose in Korea! exciting for you! I bet your parents are beside themselves over this! Oh my goodness!!!

French (the altered form of French from speak the pure French) has become passe in the US. It's all Spanish. Which is OK for me as it is kind of close to Italian. My son started in elementary with Spanish and finished university with it. During the summer, he would watch Spanish Soap Operas to keep up with the language (not to mention the R rated activity going on there) Even the Spanish varies. Most South American and middle Americans speak standard Spanish. Mexicans don't. They speak a slang form of it. I've forgotten the German I studied in school, except where it comes to Chemistry and Physics.

Good luck to you! Congratulations, Mazal tov, felicitaciones, Félicitations!


stormsandsins July 3 2011, 18:57:42 UTC
My dad especially keeps mentioning it. He's so cute when I go away.

Mmyeah, pure French. I'm gonna have a riot communicating when I arrive in France, 'cause I've heard Parisians especially can be judgemental of other accents *shrugs* But you're right, Quebec French is a slightly altered form of 18th century French passed down from whores and criminals (and some aristocrats, but the first colonisers were not always respectable people).

Ooh, I remember on Saturday mornings one of the channels here used to air a sort of Spanish soap opera (nothing R-rated though), I think for learners. I learn languages mostly by immersion so I picked up a lot from there (I understand well but speaking's another story). But, yeah, it's really great when you can practice outside of school.

Thanks! :D


ancholia July 3 2011, 18:32:23 UTC
Oh my good! That's great news!
If you need any pointers about how to teach, I could help you.

And don't bother about the whole betraying your roots, bla bla bla. It would not happen if you were french but I think quebecois are a lot more touchy on the subject given the history of the country.


stormsandsins July 3 2011, 19:09:01 UTC
Merci! I'm gonna follow a class online on just that, but if ever I need pointers or ideas, I'll know you're there ;) What's great about Korea is they don't expect you to create a daily lesson plan for each class/grade; it's something like two lesson plans for two weeks, from what I've heard (!)

I know, ça me fait chier. I've forgiven historical people I've never met and moved on, stop whining. Grr.


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stormsandsins July 3 2011, 20:47:00 UTC
IKR! Right now I just need to get the paperwork done and *crossing fingers* hopefully the Ministry of Education there will give me a chance (since it's not my native tongue I need to pass an additional interview...)



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stormsandsins August 24 2011, 03:30:49 UTC
I never got the notice for this comment!

To answer your question, I did actually check beforehand to see if there were openings for French teachers but the most I found were for online, long-distance teachers. Which... isn't interesting you'll understand ;) I know they do have French courses there but I'll wager it's probably just in university and so therefore it's out of the question for me as 1) I juuuuuust graduated last year so it'd feel weird teaching to kids my age, 2) I don't have a Bachelor's in teaching (and specifically French) and 3) ... I forgot what else I was going to say lol

But I suppose you get what I mean!

By the way, this application process is so stressful omg. I'm gonna have to have my criminal record re-issued because it was issued too soon :(((( $40 down the drain! Sigh, I gotta keep trucking on...


16littleseconds July 3 2011, 20:47:20 UTC
That's such an amazing opportunity! I've got another friend on my lj f-list who's going to be an ESL teacher in South Korea, she'd be going there for Spring 2012! :)

This: Je serai toujours fière de ma langue maternelle. C'est mes racines, mon identité primaire. Mais l'anglais... l'anglais c'est un peu mon futur. J'ai découvert ça bien avant de savoir ce que je voulais faire dans la vie, parce que je savais que le monde est très petit quand on n'est qu'unilingue...C'est pareil pour moi à vrai dire. Bien évidemment vu que je vis en France métropolitaine, je ne suis pas dans un environnement bilingue avec toutes les dynamiques et problématiques qui existent par conséquent mais il y a quand même une certaine attitude qui persiste vis-à-vis de l'anglais ici, surtout au collège et lycée et j'ai toujours eu du mal à supporter les remarques des gens à ce sujet. J'ai l'impression que la plupart des personnes ne comprennent pas l'enjeu important qu'il y a dans les langues, notamment la maîtrise de l'anglais qui est l'un des fondamentaux selon ( ... )


stormsandsins July 3 2011, 21:09:03 UTC
Realistically I'd be going there most probably in time for the Spring term, too. I told them I'm available in October but for Seoul and Gyeonggi-do they usually hire on a school-term basis. Everywhere else in Korea is free-for-all, but personally I'd be more interested in staying closer to a bigger city *shrug*

O.M.G. This: "pourquoi t'écris toujours en Anglais sur facebook, personne ne comprend rien, on est en France au Québec hein!" J'ai des gens du travail sur facebook et il y a eu comme un froid entre eux et moi il y a un mois ou deux quand ils m'ont confrontée à ce sujet. Ma réponse: "Je connais plus de monde anglo ou bilingue... DU MONDE ENTIER" (enfin non, j'ai juste un ami en Écosse, et j'ai pas dit le bout en capslock mais j'aurais vraiment dû parce que ça leur aurait vraiment fermé la gueule...). Et de toute manière, ça me tente pas de voir leur français plein de fautes sur mes posts (j'en fais des fois moi aussi mais jfc je m'efforce au moins) :P ( ... )


16littleseconds July 3 2011, 21:18:31 UTC
Staying in a bigger city would probably be nice yeah!

Haha, I know what you're talking about, my half-bro's a graphic designer too and even he still works in an imprimerie (I don't know the word in English fml), he's been working freelance for 2 years now and he's seriously considering going 100% freelance!

but after I come back from Korea (if I do! ;P)
Maybe you won't come back, yep! :D I'll be studying 2 years in Boston starting september 2013 and I already know that I'll have a hard time coming back in France, and in a French-speaking environment in general XD

Oh, I'm doing the same with Korean! Learning bits and pieces here and there with dramas, reading idols' tweets, etc. I already know hangul though. But I actually plan on really studying it this summer, since I bought a textbook and cracked Rosetta Stone on my computer which is a really nice software to learn a foreign language. I really enjoy the way the software was made and so far it's quite efficient!


stormsandsins July 3 2011, 21:36:53 UTC
I did grow up in the suburbs of Montreal. I don't know if I'd like living in Seoul proper but from people's experiences it isn't too bad. Plus, more foreigners, less feeling alone. Win-win.

Ah, I'm working for a newspaper agency so it's fairly related ;) Does he get to talk to the clients directly? 'Cause that's one of the main reasons I want out. Freelancing is sooo my dream... Maybe I could freelance in Korea~ *dreaming out loud*

I totally understand wanting to work in English. It's hard enough working solely in French after having tasted English environments for six years at school. I feel like anglos are much more... openminded. And what's more, despite what anyone thinks, English schools in Quebec welcome assignments written in French (I wrote mine in English since I learned good essay-writing in college). So stfu to anyone who dares to claim anglos are assimilating us gdi.

I ought to buy a textbook and get crackin', myself. Sigh!


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stormsandsins July 5 2011, 02:30:40 UTC
Thank youuuuu it's so exciting, yet I'm not even halfway there lol.


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