10 Ways Into My Mind
1. You lean over my shoulder at a coffee shop and quote a passage from whatever book I'm reading.
2. You think of mathematical equations to express personal experiences.
3. You have a favorite poet and you can tell me why.
4. I know that "a witty saying proves nothing," but you are witty enough to deceive me.
5. I can say "Schrodinger" and you don't say, "Bless you."
6. You can effectively alter a setting to make it symbolic of a concurrent conversation.
7. You know how to use allusion in casual conversation.
8. Every day, you have a new and better way to describe life.
9. In one five-word sentence, you can place a feeling that has evaded me for years.
10. You make a modern art interpretation of me (or anything, really) that has me laughing for hours.
10 Ways Into My Heart
1. You act like a knight but don't treat girls like damsels.
2. You call me beautiful and mean it.
3. You take me to the Church of Scientology on a Saturday night, because you've bothered to know me well enough to understand that joke.
4. You have chosen a song that reminds you of me.
5. You let me do things that get on your nerves.
6. You play with my hair.
7. When I'm depressed, you pass me a note with the quote, "Hell is other people," by Jean-Paul Sartre, and are smart enough to know how true that is.
8. Somehow, you metaphorically relate me to those hidden a cappella tracks at the end of the really fabulous rare albums that you're able to listen to long enough to reach the hidden track.
9. I'm in your prayers.
10. I have enough clout in your life to make you disappointed in yourself when I am disappointed in you.
10 Ways Into My Soul
1. We can talk about time for hours underneath the stars.
2. Around midnight, you kidnap me for a drive and don't have to talk after rolling down the windows.
3. You say something in which I firmly believe better than I ever could have said it.
4. You redefine me.
5. As a gift, you buy me Paradise Lost and analyze your favorite passages throughout.
6. We dance on an empty stage.
7. You can still surprise me.
8. In the morning, you bring me coffee, and you knew how to prepare it.
9. Certain phrases remind you of certain songs, and they remind me of the same songs.
10. You are An Vu. Oh, wait.