...I get around to writing
enemyfrigate 's Owen fic. All apologies.
"Owen, how many times? We don't touch it if we don't know what it is or what it does!"
Owen rolled a pair of bulbous eyes, which now took up nearly fifty percent of the mass of his head. (Overall, the mass of his entire body was actually reduced, but that was beside the point. Of COURSE he knew procedure. He wasn't thick. He really didn't need this from Jack, now. He needed a solution.
"How'm I supposed to avoid tripping, eh? You answer me that, and while you're at it, let's figure out how to get this reversed?"
"Tosh, any idea exactly what happened?"
"Biology's not my strong suit, but I'd say it's pretty obvious Owen's DNA has been rewritten. Maybe he tripped and fell on some sort of med-tech. I'd have to have a look at the hardware to be sure."
"I think that can be arranged once it's been deactivated. Gwen, what's the crowd control sitrep?"
"Still roped off," Gwen nodded assuredly. "Twenty-four hour watch, there'll be no civilian traffic."
"Good, then we can get back to work on it once the Rutan scout party's been rounded up. That's gonna have us in OT, I'm afraid."
"Nothing new there, then," quipped Tosh.
"Don't worry, I'll make it a little easier on us. Ianto and I will take graveyard shift, give you ladies a chance to get your beauty sleep."
"Yeah, and what am I supposed to do in the meantime? I'm a LIZARD, for chrissake." There was no denying that. As if to prove the point, a long pink tongue darted out instinctively and plucked a fly out of the nearby air. He was indeed a lizard, a small, green, moist...bloody LIZARD. "Agh, that's disgusting."
"Well," said Ianto around a smirk and desperately trying not to laugh, "You could always sell car insurance."