Title: Broken Clocks (1/8)
stormwolf10 Rating: Teen
Characters: Ten, Rose, Mickey, Madame de Pompadour
Word Count: 3282
Summary: A fairly routine first trip for a new companion turns into a hard lesson for the Doctor about love.
Spoilers: Through The Girl in the Fireplace
Authors Notes: Written for the
Time In Flux fic-a-thon. I have to admit, when I
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Comments 11
And yeah, the Doctor wants to avoid the inevitable at all costs. I was telling my beta that I think it has something to do with all the things that happened in the Eighth Doctor audio plays after he had opened up and allowed himself to be in love with his companion Charley. Once the two of them gave their "I love you"s, all hell broke loose to the point where Charley decided she didn't want to travel with him anymore and the Doctor himself almost died for good, and then exiled himself to another dimension. I see the Doctor as capable of love, but very inexperienced in it, so after that happened, it scarred him and he balked at any sort of expression of love, even though he can't really deny he loves Rose. He just can't say it...well, until the end of my story that is. ;)
And yeah, they're all VERY good. They made me love Eight. If you like the emotionalism of Nine and Ten, you'll definitely love Eight. He makes both of them look fairly reserved in contrast. ;)
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