Title: Broken Clocks (4/8)
stormwolf10 Rating: Teen
Characters: Ten, Rose, Mickey, Madame de Pompadour
Word Count: 1252
Summary: A fairly routine first trip for a new companion turns into a hard lesson for the Doctor about love.
Spoilers: Through The Girl in the Fireplace
Authors Notes: Written for the
Time In Flux fic-a-thon. I have to admit, when I
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Comments 8
*choke* Again, heartbreaking. I'm all teary for both him and Rose.
I love how you developed the memories that Reinette sees of his childhood. They made my heart break even more for him.
And it's strange, when I see the Doctor as a little boy, I see a little blond boy. I think it's because William Hartnell was blond when he was younger, before he turned grey. And, since he was the first Doctor, then it was obviously the same body as when he was a little boy. No wonder that one simply wore out! He started late enough in his life that he let his first body get old! :)
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